Hello to all visitors to this site! Probably everyone at home had or still has a phone charger without a usb connector on it. Such chargers are still connected without using any extraneous cables, but have their own wire and connect directly to the phone through their connector. These are now not often seen, since power supplies are already used for a phone with a built-in usb port. I also have such a power supply from an old push-button telephone that is no longer working. And I decided to convert this power supply to a power supply with a usb connector. This alteration will not take much time and is not difficult in the process. To convert the power supply to a power supply with a usb port, I needed:
1) A sharp clerical knife,
2) the hammer,
3) scissors,
4) Electric soldering iron,
5) Glue gun and hot glue,
6) lighter,
7) A simple pencil.
1) The power supply itself is 5 volts from the phone,
2) usb connector,
3) Heat shrink tubing,
4) Wires.
The process of converting a conventional charger into a usb charger.
We take our power supply from the phone and cut off the cable from it with scissors or an office knife.

Now you need to open the power supply housing. There were no screws or screws on mine, so I had to open the case in other ways. To do this, take a hammer and with light, not strong blows, hit the glued seams of the power supply. It is not necessary to beat hard, because the power supply can crack us. But after this method, small dents may remain on the charger. Therefore, I recommend making this process either with a rubber mallet or a wooden mallet.

Then we solder off the remaining wiring from the cable from the board with an electric soldering iron.

Next, we take a usb connector and two short wiring (from the power supply cable itself).

We solder the wiring to the power supply board using an electric soldering iron.

We solder the usb port to these wiring soldered to the unit, while observing the polarity, that is, plus and minus. For insulation on the cable, we already put on shrink tubes in advance.

After soldering the connector to the wires, we put on bare places with heat shrink and with the help of a lighter we unclen them using a hot flame.

Now draw with a simple pencil the markings on the power supply housing for the future openings for the usb connector.

Along the lines with a clerical knife, cut off the recess on the power supply housing for the usb connector.

Using a glue gun and hot glue, glue the usb port to the charger body.

We also glue the board to the case in order to hold it tight.

Next, close the power supply housing by gluing the cover to the base with a hot glue gun.

This is what my converted usb power adapter looks like.

Now you can connect a regular usb cable to this power supply and charge your smartphone, tablet or other devices. On this my article is finished. Thank you all for your time! Bye everyone!