To create his miracle, the master used, as always, copper, brass, leather and wood, in his opinion, this is the best combination.
And so let's look at the whole assembly process, and also find out what exactly is needed?
1. brass sheet
2. wood (oak)
3. brass rivet
4. leather
5. aircraft cannon shell (training) 23 mm
6. flash drive
7. wick
8. silicon
1. drill
2. file
3. file
4. sandpaper
5. pliers
6. vernier caliper
7. hacksaw
8. hammer
9. scissors
The process of creating flash lighters do it yourself.
And so, for starters, the author suggests that you familiarize yourself with the video review of the finished product, and only then go on to carefully study the photos.
The source material is a 23 mm projectile from an aircraft gun (training)

This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
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This article is for informational purposes only.