Is it possible to extend the life of a wooden of furniture, which does not fit for one reason or another, into the interior of the room?
Of course, not just possible - necessary! Especially when it comes to kitchen furniture made of mahogany, once custom-made. However, the owners eventually decided to change the classic style of the kitchen to light shades of Provence. Of course, the atmosphere of the French south and eternal summer must emphasize the kitchen set.

But in a hurry to part with the old headset is not worth it. It’s enough just to work with him a little using the technique of so-called artificial aging. It is called - crackle.
Step 1. Finely sand the surface of the furniture with sandpaper.
Step 2. Paint the headset with gold glaze.

Step 3. A protective hydrophilic coating is applied to the painted surface. It is very important to track exactly when this coating can be applied: the paint should not dry completely yet, but it should not “take” (leave marks on the hand) either.
Step 4. After half an hour, the furniture needs to be painted blue. Paint with accurate, accurate strokes, while the brush in one place can be done no more than twice. In the upper layer of blue paint, the hydrophilic coating forms cracks, which, in turn, will allow the appearance of a "gilded" basis.

Step 5. Apply dark gold paint on the doors of the cabinets in the places of panels. This will achieve their harmonious combination with handles such as “staples” and “buttons”.

Step 6. After the artificially aged surface has dried, it should be strengthened by applying two layers of a semi-gloss colorless water-based varnish. Drying of the first layer occurs within an hour.

The aging effect can be pronounced or barely noticeable. In the first case, it is enough to direct a warm air stream from a hairdryer to the furniture surface in case of cracks.
In the process of work, paints and varnishes were used: pearly golden azure Taika (Finland, Tikkurila), hydrophilic coating for cracking Illusions Faux Finish Crackle, polyurethane colorless varnish Wood Classic (coating and varnish - Sherwin-Williams), blue wall paint Kolor (USA, , Parker Paint), gold paint Metallici (Italy, Idea).