Dear visitors of the site, from the master class presented by the author, you will learn how to independently make a smokehouse for cold and hot smoking.
To date, the topic of manufacturing all kinds of smokehouses is on a par with grills, barbecue and barbecue. The designs are also diverse, there are smokehouses hot and cold smoked, and the author got a certain averaged version. To create his smokehouse, the master used 2 mm metal, from which he welded a smoking chamber. In the lower part, an opening was made for placing a box with sawdust, for which a slide was made from a professional pipe. And under the box there is a gas burner for heating sawdust. Inside the smokehouse, the products are placed on a special rack made of square tube. On top of the camera is closed with a metal lid with a handle for easy opening and checking the status of the product. The surface is painted with heat-resistant paint (silver) withstands temperatures of 1200 ° C
0 And so, let's take a close look at what the author specifically needed to create a smokehouse.
Materials1. metal sheet 2 mm
2. professional pipe with a cross section of 20x20 mm
3. gas burner
4. heat-resistant paint (silver)
5. steel hooks
6. gas bottle
Instruments1. jigsaw with a metal file
2. ruler
3. marker
4. drill
5. welding machine
6. clamp
7. corner
8. pliers
9. brush
Step by step instructions for creating a smokehouse do it yourself.And so, for starters, the author bought a standard sheet of metal 2 mm thick and prepared for subsequent work.
The dimensions of the smoking chamber itself will be as follows: height 120 cm, width 60 cm and depth 40 cm.
The author dissolves the metal sheet using an electric jigsaw with a saw for metal.
It cuts metal quite well if the files are of high quality.
Marking is made under the opening for a box with sawdust.
It is cut out also by a jigsaw.
Then the master directly welds the smoking chamber itself.
At first it seizes in several places, and only then the seam passes completely.
The author made a pipe from the pipe in the middle of the stiffener.
In the lower part, the slide for the box with sawdust is welded.
That's actually what happens.
Wardrobe from the inside.
Then the box itself is made, for which all the same metal is taken.
Dimensions are shown in the photo.
Trying in place.
Holes are drilled at the bottom for better traction of the gas burner.
Legs are made of a professional pipe.
The surface is opened with heat-resistant paint (silver) Attention! Only from the outside, inside you can’t strictly paint !!!
And this design is crowned by a cover, of course, which can be made from thinner metal 0.7-1 mm.
A convenient handle is attached for easy opening.
Limiters are welded.
It looks like in a finished state.
Then the master proceeds to the manufacture of shelving for hanging products, making them from a professional pipe.
It turns out 3 shelves.
At the bottom is a gas burner.
It is connected to a gas cylinder and ignited.
Sawdust (preferably alder) is poured into the box
Before the smoking process, the product must be pickled or salted and only then placed in the smoking chamber.
It closes with a lid and the process begins, sawdust begins to smolder to emit smoke and heat, due to which smoking itself takes place directly.
The author smoked the fish in a trial batch, it turned out golden) the process lasted about 4 hours at a temperature of 80-90 C
0After that, the author decided to smoke the meat, for which he pickled it for 4 days, and then placed it in a smokehouse.
The meat was smoked for about 5 hours.
And this is what happened in the end.
Bon appetit Friends!
Thus, the author has acquired his own smokehouse and can now smoke various products at any time convenient for him, both for himself and for sale, the profit will be good.
This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
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