Dear visitors of the site, from the master class presented by the author, you will learn how to build an excellent playhouse in medieval style for children with minimal financial costs.
Children, as you know, love to climb trees, hide in the bushes and make tents from improvised means, so the child playing learns the world and nature.
For the construction of the house it is advisable to choose natural materials (wood), it is beautiful and harmless. Before starting construction, you should choose the most suitable place on the site near the house, or
cottages. It is desirable that there is a space that is not blown by the through wind. It would also be nice if a tree and shrub grow nearby.
The author for the construction used saw cuts of a tree (willow) harvested in a neighboring ravine, completely free) minus gasoline for a chainsaw of course. Small chocks of 15 cm are quite suitable for the construction of walls. The master made the second floor the same way from willow, but after removing the bark. The roof of the four is pitched from reeds. The floors are laid out with cuts of 10 cm, on a sand pillow, and the gap is filled with cement mortar.
And so, let's take a closer look at what the author needed to build a game house?
Materials1. cuts of a tree (willow) 15 and 10 cm
2. cement
3. sand
4. clay
5. beam 10x10 cm
6. water-based paint
7. reeds
8. rail
9. self-tapping screw
10. nail 200 mm
11. board 25 and 40 mm
12. beam 40x40
Instruments1. Chainsaw
2. shovel
3. hacksaw
4. drill
5. screwdriver
6. hammer
7. roulette
8. trowel
9. mallet
10. braid
Step-by-step instructions for building children's playhouse do it yourself.As already mentioned above, for the construction of walls, the author used saw cuts of a tree (willow), and the preparation was carried out in 2 stages, namely, before the sap flow and during it, in the first case he prepared chocks 10-15 cm long, and in the second long poles for the 2nd floors, railings and roofs. Long logs were prepared during active sap flow, due to which the bark is very well removed.
Thus, he cleaned the ravine from the thickets and stocked up with building free material. The chocks should be dried a little outdoors, so that during subsequent drying, the walls of the house do not crack.
Next, the author puts a frame of timber with a cross section of 10x10 cm.
Lays the walls out of chocks, uses a solution based on: 1 part cement, 2 part clay and 1 part sand.
The masonry is the same as when laying logs in a woodpile, only with the addition of a solution.
For greater reliability, metal pins or nails of 200 mm are clogged around the edges.
About this way.
Wood cuts look very beautiful, even fabulously and unique.
The author builds a house next to the tree, so the children can additionally climb the tree.
After the walls of the house are ready, the master goes to the floors, first removes a layer of earth about 15 cm.
Then he pours a sand cushion 5 cm thick onto the cleared surface, spills it with water and rams it, then levels it and starts laying down saw cuts 10 cm high.
Levels wooden workpieces with a wide board and a mallet.
Then the surface is again sprinkled with sand in order to fill the gap between the saw cuts, and then it is also filled with cement mortar. As everything dries, it makes a wash and cleaning of excess solution and dust.
The first floor is completely ready and while the walls are dry, the master proceeded to harvesting poles for the 2nd floor, namely, cleans the bark.
The bark is removed very easily, and the wood inside is white and smooth.
Irregularities and knots should be cut and processed with sandpaper. And then the author proceeds to the construction of walls, for which he uses 200 mm nails.
The result is an imitation of a log cabin)
The author decided to cover the roof with reeds, the material is also free and easily accessible, especially in the area where the master lives, he was simply overgrown near ponds and rivers. According to the author, reeds are best harvested in late autumn or early winter, when the ground is covered with snow and ice appears on the river, then the reeds can be mowed with an ordinary scythe and laid in sheaves. It is also better to choose a place where young shoots grow. Billets should also be pre-dried and ventilated.
The roof of the house is made in the 4th slope, and the reed itself is fastened with 2 slats.
View under the roof of the house.
To climb to the 2nd floor, a staircase and railings are made.
The reeds are fastened with slats and such a fabulous roof is obtained.
In addition, a place for hammocks was equipped.
Namely, at a small distance from the house, a pillar of willow was dug up, the bottom was impregnated with used machine oil and wrapped in packaging film for waterproofing. Also made a small canopy from the same reeds. It turned out great.
Thus, children can run, frolic, and how tired they are to sway and take a nap in the fresh air in a hammock.
The frame was coated with water-based paint to give an aesthetic appearance and protection against decay.
Here is a wonderful house turned out by the master, and most importantly very budget, because almost all materials for the construction were obtained for free. The house looks like a medieval hut from a fairy tale. Well done Father! Skillful fingers! A real man!
This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
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