Greetings to all lovers homemade and visitors to this site. In this article you will see how you can make a regular wax candle from improvised materials do it yourself and spending not so much time on it. At the same time, this candle is very easy to manufacture, and suddenly, if you decide to make such a candle too, then this will not cause you any special difficulties. For this candle, you can use regular wax, and wax can be taken from already used candles, which I did. In this case, it turns out that you will give the candle a second life by simply changing the wick in it.
In order to make a wax candle with our own hands, we need:
1) Stationery knife,
2) scissors,
3) White sheet of paper,
4) Scotch tape
5) Super glue,
6) White thread
7) A small nut or whatever light weight,
8) Wax melted to a liquid state from an already used candle.
The process of making a wax candle with your own hands from improvised materials.
The first action is to take a regular white sheet and turn it into a tube. To hold the tube securely wrap it with tape. Wrap so that there is not a single gap and hole. We also close the bottom of the tube, otherwise all the wax will flow out.

Next, taking an ordinary white thread, we make a wick from it. After making the wick, at one end we tie a nut or other similar load. The load is needed so that the wick is completely immersed in molten wax.

Just in case, then you can take the tube and glue it upright on another white sheet of paper, so that suddenly the molten wax does not spill on the table.

Now you need to melt the wax to a liquid state and pour it into a paper tube. For a better look, you can still repaint it from white to a different color, which is what I did. It can be melted on a stove in some kind of metal vessel. Then, taking the wick, immerse it in liquid wax. After all these steps, we wait until the wax becomes hard.
If the wax hardens, then the candle is already ready. It remains only to free her from the paper layer.To do this, take a clerical knife and cut the paper, release the candle.

The candle is ready, now it can be used. We put it on the candlestick and set it on fire.

Burns like a regular candle.
Conclusion: Such a candle can be easily and quickly made in home conditions without spending your savings on it.
This article is over. Thank you all for your attention and bye!