Dear site visitors, from the material presented by the author, you will learn how to make a full-fledged cold smoked smokehouse from a simple 200 liter barrel.
First, without fail, you need to rid the barrel of the paint coating and the rest of the contents accumulated on the walls, and this is done very simply, you just need to burn it on the fire and all the paint, the remains inside, will simply burn. Next, the barrel needs to be washed from soot and soot, it is best to use a high pressure washer, everything will fly off in a matter of seconds)) In such a simple way, you can prepare a smoking chamber for the next stage of construction.
Next, a firebox and chimney are made, for which a trench is dug and a metal pipe is dug, the combustion chamber itself can also be made of metal, or brick, stone. Then a small podium for the barrel is created and the chimney is connected to the smoking chamber. Inside, there is a grid, a tray for collecting fat, hooks and fittings for hanging products, from above it is covered with a wooden lid hammered from the board.
A thermometer is installed to control the temperature. To give a more attractive appearance to the barrel, it can be trimmed with planks from the outside, or put on top an old wooden barrel.
And so, let's look at what exactly the author needed to create his own smokehouse?
Materials1. metal barrel 200 l
2. fittings
3. board 25 mm
4. wire
5. sheet metal
6. metal pipe
7. wooden barrel
8. thermometer
9. riveting
10. pole
11. camouflage net
Instruments1. Bulgarian
2. drill
3. hacksaw
4. hammer
5. shovel
6. scissors for metal
7. ruler
8. pliers
9. high pressure washer
Step-by-step instructions for building cold smoked smokehouses do it yourself.The first step is to determine the location of the smokehouse on your site, it should be located far from the capital buildings, as well as not create smoke for others and neighbors naturally)
Further, the author digs a trench and places a chimney pipe in it, it should be located under a slight slope, so that the draft is better.
A pit is also digging for the furnace, and the walls are made of metal, you can also use brick or stone.
Then you should connect the combustion chamber to the chimney pipe, the author did this as follows.
During the construction process, it is necessary to check the draft, namely, to kindle firewood in the furnace and see how fire and smoke behave, if everything goes into the pipe, the draft is excellent. It is better to do the check until the pipe is buried, so that in the process you can fix everything.
Everything works fine, the traction is normal.
A small podium is made for the barrel, because it should be located above the level of the furnace. The chimney with a smoking chamber is connected at the bottom, for which a special hole has been made in the bottom of the barrel. It is also necessary to install a metal mesh so that the product falling from the hook does not get stuck in the pipe and thereby block the smoke path, and if it falls on the mesh, it will just smoke.
To bring a more attractive appearance to the smokehouse, the author put on top of an old wooden barrel.
It is also necessary to make a lid, for which you can use a regular board, for example, the author took 25 mm. It is advisable to make a handle on the lid for convenient opening.
The installation of a thermometer will also be important.
Smokehouse with a thermometer will be easier to control and maintain optimal temperature.
Over the smokehouse, the author built a budget frame of poles and covered with a camouflage net, so that the enemies would not reveal the secrets of smoking of the author))
After everything is ready, the master tests his creation and smokes the first batch of the product. Kindle firewood in the furnace and covers, leaving a small gap for air. Burning should be weak (smoldering)
The product is laid and covered.
For convenient suspension of the product, the author made a pole from the reinforcement, and bent the hooks from steel wire. Also, the product must be placed in a net or tied with a natural rope, so surely and the meat will definitely not fall in the process of smoking.
Periodically, you should look under the lid and observe the condition of the fish and meat.
Smoking time depends on the product and temperature, fish will be smoked naturally less than meat and fat.
That's actually what happened in the end. Gilding and playing fat in the sun.
In such a simple way, the author has acquired his personal smokehouse and will now be able to smoke meat, lard, fish, at any convenient time and indulge his family with smoked meats. As you can see, everything is quite simple and very budgetary, quite within the power of a person who wants to have a smokehouse on his site.
And finally, in no case do not use galvanized metal when building a smokehouse, because when heated, zinc will emit fumes, which eventually settle on the product, and with it get into your body and it will not bring anything good for your health! Take materials without paint and dust.
This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
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