Dear visitors of the site, from the master class presented by the author, you will learn how to whip up and from improvised means to build a full-fledged smokehouse for smoking a variety of products, such as: meat, fish, chicken.
Smokehouses are mainly divided into 2 types — these are hot and cold smoked, but our author obtained an average option, because the length of the chimney is short and the temperature inside the smoking cabinet rises to 60 ° C
0. For assembly, the master used a piece of ceramic pipe of about 130 cm and a wooden box which is actually a smoking cabinet. Inside there is a metal mesh and chains in 3 rows for hanging products. The box is closed from above with a regular board and covered with a wet cloth for complete sealing.
And so, let's look at what exactly the author needed to create a smokehouse?
Materials1. a board of 25-30 mm (or a wooden box about 120x60x50 cm)
2. ceramic pipe 130 cm (metal can)
3. thermometer
4. metal mesh
5. chain
6. hooks for hanging the product
7. screws
8. nails
9. wooden pegs
10. land
Instruments1. hacksaw
2. hammer
3. shovel
4. drill
5. roulette
6. knife
7. pliers
8. scissors for metal
Step by step instructions for creating a smokehouse do it yourself.Since time immemorial, people have smoked meat so that it is stored longer and it can be stored for future use. It is also good to take smoked products with you on a camping trip, fishing and hunting, because they do not deteriorate for a long time. Smoked meats are very tasty, it is known to all, adults and children, what is only smoked sausage, the smell alone awakens a genuine appetite.
But to date, smoked meats from the store are not always of good quality, because the manufacturer is generously pouring chemicals and other preservatives, so
are building your simple little smokehouse and smoke it yourself)
Making your smokehouse is quite simple, you need a wooden box, or you can put it together from a board of 25-30 mm.
In the upper part, we leave a hole for laying products in the smoking chamber.
Next, we take a piece of ceramic pipe (metal can be) from the author, the length is 130 cm, the longer you have a chimney, then the temperature inside will be correspondingly lower.
At the bottom of the box, a hole is made for installing a ceramic pipe.
And then everything is simple, the box with the pipe is connected in a single design.
The master fixes the pipe with wooden pegs.
Inside the smoking chamber, the connection is as follows.
To ensure that the products do not fall to the bottom of the cabinet, a metal mesh is installed above the pipe, that is, even if the meat falls off the hook, it will continue to be smoked on the wire rack and will not get dirty.
The following was done directly for hanging the products, namely, a metal chain was stretched in 3 rows and a fish was hung on it with steel hooks.
On top of the smoke chamber is closed with boards, or you can make a special lid on the hinges for easy opening.
To determine the temperature inside the smoking cabinet, the author uses an inexpensive thermometer.
The smokehouse is assembled, the products are loaded and you can start to smoke, the fire is bred directly in the pipe, but it is naturally impossible to stoke strongly)) otherwise everything will burn, the fire in the pipe should be slow, even smoldering.
For better sealing, cover with a damp cloth.
In the process of smoking, it is periodically necessary to check the condition of the pledged products.
And after 2-3 hours, the author already had a cup of smoked fish on the table.
Such a smokehouse can be easily disassembled and put into a barn or any other corner of your site, which is just a pipe and a wooden box here.
As you can see there is nothing complicated here, the design is simple, the materials are affordable and budget. By the way, if you don’t have a pipe, then this does not matter, you can dig a trench in the ground, and cover it with a metal sheet and sprinkle with earth on top. Budget and simple, it’s better not to come up with)
This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
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