Yes, it’s a bamboo fence) It is very unusual, especially for our country where people associate the word bamboo with a fishing rod, remember in Soviet times they were popular among fishermen. And today they are used in construction, decoration, decoration. Bamboo itself is a very durable material and quite beautiful, looks good and harmonizes with other types of materials.
Building a bamboo fence is quite simple, the first thing is marking and digging in the posts, previously coated with bitumen mastic. Metal fasteners are screwed to the posts and the base of the shield is formed. Next, the base is sheathed with bamboo, screwed onto the screws, the edges of the bamboo are evenly sawn off, thus obtaining a fence section that is mounted on metal fasteners.
And so, let's look at what exactly the author will need to build a bamboo fence?
1.bamboo 1.5-2 m
2. edged board 25-30 mm
3. screws of different lengths
4. bitumen mastic
5. varnish
6. metal fasteners
7. wood impregnation
1. circular hand saw
2. drill
3. screwdriver
4. hammer
5. shovel
6. level
7. brush
8. roulette
9. goats
10. long flat board (for marking)
Step-by-step instructions for building bamboo fence do it yourself.
First of all, it is necessary to mark the future fence, calculate the approximate cost of materials, make an estimate. Further, according to the marking, you need to dig wooden or metal poles, first you should grease the lower part with bituminous mastic, thereby protecting against decay, you can also concrete the poles. According to the author, it is advisable to dig holes under the pillars 10% below the level of freezing in your Region.Then, a metal fastener is screwed on to the dug poles or pinned with a nail, on which a bamboo shield will subsequently be installed.This item can be bought at any hardware store, they are not expensive.Then, with the help of the board and the level, the place is determined for the installation of the second element on an adjacent column.A note is made using a marker or a nail.Fasteners are mounted on the pole.A board is attached and a marker is applied to it, in the place where it should be sawed off.By the same principle, the author acted with the second board.Between themselves, horizontal boards are fastened vertically.This creates the basis for a bamboo shield.Everything is screwed onto ordinary screws.And so the foundation is ready and you can move on to the next step.The shield is removed from the fasteners.For convenient work, it is laid on pre-prepared goats.A long self-tapping screw is screwed into the edge of the board.A self-tapping screw is also attached to the 2nd board.Then the author begins to form a bamboo shield, picking up trunks that are suitable in size.In appearance, the bamboo is not the first freshness and obviously not from the store, because some trunks have already rotted around the edges, so the author got it at a low price.The section is formed.Now we proceed to fixing directly the bamboo to the base with self-tapping screws.The master shows us that it is impossible to screw a self-tapping screw into the knee, but only next and previously you should drill a hole.Then the screw is screwed into the outermost trunk.

This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
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