Dear site visitors, from the master class presented by the author, you will learn how it is possible to build a cold-smoked stationary smokehouse at your summer cottage.
The process of cold smoking takes a rather long time, because, unlike the hot method, the product is dried and slowly dehydrated, as well as saturated with aromatic smoke. The chimney of a cold smokehouse should be at least 2.5 meters, in the best way if it passes directly underground, in this way additional cooling will occur. But the author has a little chimney and here is a more average version between hot and cold smoking.
The smokehouse device is quite simple - it is a firebox, a chimney and a smoking chamber. The firebox is made mainly of brick or blocks, a chimney from a metal pipe, a smoking cabinet from a bar and lining in the form of a small house with a door.
Let's look at what exactly is needed for the construction of a smokehouse?
Materials1. metal square pipe 20x20 cm
2. cement
3. sand
4. beam 50x50 mm
5. board 25-30 mm
6. lining
7. stove door
8. fittings
9. roofing material
10. metal mesh
11. grease collection pan
12. hooks for hanging the product
13. stain
14. screws
15. door hinges
16. pole 10-15 cm in diameter
Instruments1. shovel
2. trowel
3. hacksaw
4. hammer
5. screwdriver
6. roulette
7. drill
8. hacksaw
9. ruler
10. capacity for solution preparation
Step-by-step instructions for building cold smoked smokehouses do it yourself.Before you start construction, you need to choose the most favorable place on your site, it is better to put a smokehouse near the resting place of the gazebo, but away from the capital buildings, you should also take into account the fact that smoke from the smokehouse should not create inconvenience to neighbors and others.
After that, we clear the area and prepare a trench for pouring the foundation, deepening is not worth 25-30 cm, it will be enough. The solution is prepared from cement and sand in a ratio of 1/3, as a filler, rubble stone, brick chips, gran-sifting can be used. Also make the formwork from the board, pouring the mortar must wait until it dries and gets stronger for 5-7 days and you can start building.
Next, we begin to form a furnace from blocks using reinforcement.
We also lay out the base for the smoking chamber from the blocks and install a chimney in the form of a metal square pipe 20x20.
The case of the smoking cabinet is assembled from a beam of 50x50 mm.
It is also necessary to lay a metal mesh on the base, this is necessary so that an accidentally dropped product does not fall to the very bottom, and just flying off the hook onto the grate will continue to smoke and that's it.
Note that the chimney should be slightly sloping, so the draft will be better.
A doorway and a rafter system of 2 slopes are formed, one of the slopes is long and covers the entire chimney with a firebox.
In order to prevent the columns from decaying, the author made small metal piles.
Thus, the pillars will last a long time and not rot.
It is best to sheathe the frame of the smoking chamber with a clapboard (hardwood), do not use a pine board, because during heating it will emit tar and the corresponding tar spirit, as they say "Not Comme il faut))"
To protect the lining from external influences and aging, it can be treated with a protective compound from the outside. Attention! Only from the outside, inside it is strictly forbidden to use paintwork !!!
The door is hinged, it is also advisable to install a thermometer, all the more it costs not much for a penny can be found on "AliEXpress"
In the rear, the author made 2 pipes with shutters to remove excess smoke.
It is better to cover the roof with light material, the master used a soft roof, you can also take a professional sheet, so it will be safer.
Since the pipe is short and the smoke does not have time to cool down, the author made a casing of wooden poles and covered the cavity with river sand, which can be poured with water and it will cool the smoke passing through the chimney pipe.
Thus, the author built a stationary smokehouse at his summer cottage and can now accumulate meat, lard or fish at any convenient time. Smoked meats are then well stored and they can be taken with you on nature, on a hike, on fishing and hunting. As you can see, it is quite possible to build a smokehouse with your own hands. Go for it friends!
This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
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