Step-by-step instructions on how to make a ottoman to the bed do it yourself. Despite the generally accepted opinion, craft furniture Personally quite simple. All the necessary details, textiles and other necessary means are in construction stores. In addition, no one forbids the use of materials from old and unnecessary furniture. Thus, you can make the basis for the pouf using any old furniture, you can also use the most ordinary tools. If such improvised materials are not available, then it is possible to purchase previously cut materials, such as chipboard and fiberboard. Today, there are a lot of companies that manufacture materials for creating furniture, as well as many building materials stores do the same.
What tools might you need?
- Jigsaw
- Screwdriver
- Air or hand gun
- Sewing tools
Of course, you can use circular and hand saws, a glue sprayer, and even a screwdriver, as this will significantly speed up the process of manufacturing the pouf, but the absence of these tools is not critical.
What materials are needed to create a pouf?
- The main material is particleboard. Instead of chipboard, you can take plywood or laminated chipboard.
- Fiberboard to be used for the radius part.
- Self-tapping screws, and exclusively self-tapping screws on wood, since we use chipboard and fiberboard.
- Staples for the gun.
- Legs made of plastic.
- Polyurethane foam with synthetic winterizer.
- Any fabric or leatherette.
- Flizelin, which will beat the bottom of the ottoman.
Step-by-step instructions for making an ottoman to a bed
- First of all, you need to determine the size of the pouf, and then cut out its details to create the frame.
- Next, these details need to be twisted with self-tapping screws.
- To ensure the strength of the corners and the radius part, we use a wooden beam.
- After that, you need to nail the fiberboard with a pneumatic or manual gun to the radius of the puff. This can be done with ordinary nails.
- Now you need to glue the upper and corner, side parts of the ottoman with foam rubber.
- And now we glue the foam rubber with synthetic winterizer.Glue, by the way, can be used by anyone, but it is better to take glue without smell.
- We cut the elements from the fabric in accordance with the size of the pouf, and then sew them.
- We put the manufactured cover on the pouf.
- So that the cover does not slip, you need to nail it with a gun to the bottom of the ottoman.
- After that, the lower part is closed with non-woven fabric or the main fabric, which will add aesthetics to the ottoman.
- And now you just need to screw the legs with screws.
An ottoman made on its own can be put anywhere in the house, it will perfectly complement your interior. You can significantly save if you use your materials.