Work with a gas cylinder is very serious and responsible, you should treat it with full responsibility and attention! Carefully study step by step photos, videos, descriptions and only then get down to business!
And so, a used gas cylinder can be found at the scrap metal collection point, or you can buy an old one by announcement. Next, the remaining gas and gasoline should be drained from the cylinder, "stinking stink" so it is better to do this away from home. Open the valve to the end and lay it on the ground, wait until everything has drained (move to a safe distance) After which the container is filled with water from the hose of the gas bottle connected to the tap.
Attention!With water, it should stand at least 1 day. Then you need to unscrew the crane, but according to the author it is simply useless and we take an ordinary hacksaw for metal and cut it off. We drain the water and rinse again, only after all the operations carried out can you take the grinder (angle grinder) and cut it. A brazier will be made from the resulting material, let's see what exactly is needed?
1. 50 liter gas bottle
2. professional pipe of rectangular section
3. fittings
4. loop 2 pcs
5. handle big for cover 1 pc
6. metal handle for carrying 2 pcs
7. metal mesh
8. round pipe
9. heat resistant paint
10. wood varnish
11. simple paint
12. board 25-30 mm
13. bolt, nut, grover
14. steel bar
1. welding machine
2. Bulgarian (angle grinder)
3. drill
4. sandpaper
5. hammer
6. clamp
7. roulette
8. ruler
9. brush
10. hacksaw
Step-by-step instructions for safe cutting of a gas cylinder and making a barbecue from it do it yourself.
And so, as mentioned above, the used cylinder can be found in the scrap metal collection point, where it can be purchased at the price of the metal. The wall thickness is 3 mm, which is very good for a metal barbecue and it will last you a long time.But first you need to neutralize it and cut it)), namely, to drain the remaining gasoline, this is done quite simply, the valve of the tap is unscrewed to the end and the rest of the gas goes down, it is laid on the ground and let it hiss until everything comes out of it. The smell does not disappear for a long time, so it is better to drain away from home.

But when the hinges are welded, then it is already possible to saw through to the end.The ears from the handle are welded onto the lid, then it will be inserted and varnished. Next, air feed cuts are sawn; their length is 10 cm and the distance between them is 5 cm. Be sure to weld the spacers onto the lid, they are needed so that the metal does not lead from heating.Then holes for skewers are drilled.A plate with slots is welded into the front.This plate will cover the gap between the lid and the base, so when you close the lid you can languish the meat.The hole in the end of the container is welded with a metal patch.After that, the author makes a base for the brazier, for which he takes a professional tube of rectangular section, boils with each other into a rectangle.Welds legs from a pipe of circular cross section. The sizes in each case will be different, because it should be based on their physiological characteristics and done for themselves.The master also made a removable table, namely, he welded the base from the corner and cut off part of the corner so that it entered the cavity of the professional pipe.That is, if you wish, you can set a table or do without it.For the convenience of carrying the brazier, metal handles are welded on the end parts.A limiter for the opening angle from conventional fittings is welded onto one of the loops.Hooks for hanging poker and barbecue are welded in the side of the base.A steel bar is welded at the bottom and a metal mesh is attached to it, on which it will be possible to lay firewood.The removable table top is made of a corner and a board of 30 mm, can also be stored in the lower part.And as needed just gets and inserted into place. Simple and very comfortable.Skewers can be stored in the cavity of the professional pipe.That's actually the whole brazier is ready to be sanded and painted, but first you need to light firewood in it and burn out the smell of gas to the end.After that, you can already paint (when it cools down) the cylinder itself and the base are painted with heat-resistant paint, but the legs can be painted with ordinary paint.The table top and handle are varnished.Next, you need to let the painted surfaces dry for 1 day and you can try the brazier in action. First of all, the author cooked pork sausages with young potatoes, Mmm .. yummy, you lick your fingers))The table in front of the barbecue is very convenient, put a cup and put meat, sausages on the skewer, and then it is also convenient to remove finished products from skewers. As you can see, making a barbecue out of a gas cylinder is not so difficult. But first of all, observe safety precautions! You have step-by-step instructions, photos, videos, carefully study again and only then proceed to work. Also, the author provided a detailed video, watching which you will understand everything to the end.
This concludes the article. Thank you all for your attention!
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