A lens is a necessary tool in everyday life. Probably the most irreplaceable optical device. Telescopes, microscopes, cameras, magnifiers and the like work on lenses. Some people without them cannot even see normally, so they wear glasses that also consist of lenses. This is what lenses mean in our lives. In this case, the lenses are divided into two more types: scattering lenses, and collecting lenses. For example, people with myopia wear scattering lenses, and people with farsightedness collect lenses. And these two types are divided into several types. But let's not talk about theory, let's move on to practice. In this article I will show you and tell you how to do it yourself with home conditions a collecting lens from the most improvised materials that every house definitely has. And so, to make a home-made collecting lens, we need:
1) A sharp clerical knife,
2) a sharp needle,
3) scissors,
4) Glue gun and hot glue,
5) Medical syringe.
1) A clear plastic bottle from some kind of lemonade or another drink,
2) Water.
The process of manufacturing a collecting lens do it yourself.
We take any plastic bottle, most importantly, the bottle should be transparent.

Now we will need an object of a round shape, in my case it is a cover from the plastic bottle itself. She is good because she is big. Other bottles have small caps, so they do not fit, otherwise the collecting lens will be very small. We put the cap on the bottle and circle it with a sharp needle, it is important that the circle scratched by the needle remains on the bottle. However, this action can be performed with a felt-tip pen and a marker. But you just need to be more careful so that the paint of the marker or marker does not smear the future lens. And then the circle should then be convex in shape, otherwise your lens simply cannot be manufactured.

You get such a circle here.

With scissors or a clerical knife, cut this circle along the contour.

In exactly the same way we make another exactly the same circle.

Now glue them together using hot glue. But at the same time, you need to leave a small hole in order to pour water into the resulting lens.

Using a syringe, fill the lens with water. In order for life to not appear inside the lens, it is necessary to boil it and salt it. However, this is not necessary. After filling the lens with water, close the hole left with hot glue.

That's what my resulting lens is capable of. Enlarges in full decently, but can be seen vaguely.

So, we were convinced that in the manufacture of a home-made lens it does not cause any difficulties, though I didn’t get it very carefully, and it is better to use glue of a transparent color, and not black, as in my case, but this is not so important.
This is the time to finish the article. Thank you all for your attention!