If your car does not have a rear shelf or you need a shelf that can be quickly folded or unfolded, then this article is just for you. Shelf-awning is easy to do yourself. So the author decided not to buy a shelf, but to make it on his own.
Tools and materials:
-The cloth;
-Sewing machine;
- Cutter for fabric;
-A computer;
-A printer;

Step One: Inspect the shelf installation site
First, the author examined the trunk. The manufacturer provides a standard mount in the luggage compartment. After measuring the distance between the mounts, the author proceeded to the next step.

Step Two: Reiki
Two racks are needed for a shelf. The author's front rail has a size of 2.5 * 5 * 183 cm, the rear 1.5 * 1.5 * 91.5 cm.
Slices slats. Processes them with sandpaper. It adjusts the edges of the rails so that they go into the grooves of the mounts and do not have sharp edges.

Step Three: Cloth
For the shelf, the author took a thick cloth. Ironed the fabric. Measured the distance between the rails.

I added a few centimeters to the measured distance, on each side, for pockets. Cut off two pieces of fabric.

Folding fabric cuts sewed them with black thread.

I turned the fabric with the edge inward. Having indented, I flashed the side edges with a red thread.

I sewed pockets under the slats. The author made a seam in two lines.

I put the slats in my pockets. Set the shelf.

Step Four: Logo
Having printed the logo of the car on paper, the author transferred it to the fabric and cut it out.

I sewed a logo in the center of the awning.

Shelf-awning is ready.