After working with a circular saw, it takes a long time to clean up. Cleaning up sawdust flying around the workshop takes a lot of time. The author decided to partially solve this problem. He noticed that a large amount of waste, when cutting wood, pours down. Then he decided to try to install, at the bottom of the table, a box for collecting sawdust. Consider how he did it and what came of it.

Tools and materials:
- Coated board;
-Duct tape;

Step One: Measure
First, the author measures the bottom of the table. The bottom of the box will be placed diagonally.

Step Two: Installing the Board
According to the taken sizes the author cuts off a board. For the convenience of cleaning, the board should be with a sliding surface.
The board will rest on the bars.

In the legs of the table makes holes for fastening the bars.

After fixing the bars, sets a board on top of them.

Step Three: Side Surfaces
Now you need to close the side surfaces.

For this, the author cut out pieces of cardboard of a suitable size and pasted them with duct tape.

Also closed the gap between the table and the saw.

Step Four: Front
The author also made the front part out of cardboard. The main difference from the side panels is the ability to open it to clean the drawer.

Subsequently, the author replaced the cardboard with wooden panels.

According to the author, the dust in the workshop has become an order of magnitude less.