What kind of technical devices are not in our apartments, it is they who make our livelihoods much more interesting and greatly facilitate many work in everyday life. But with the unconditional conveniences in household processes, the number of various cables and electrical cords quickly accumulates and continues to grow. And they have such an unpleasant feature, as with regular consistency to get confused, bend and get lost. And in this great multitude of electric wires it is often very difficult to find the necessary gadget ...

If you want to tidy up your household with cords, cables and wires at a pace, you will have to spend money and buy special clips or holders for wires. Naturally, they will facilitate the search for the right gadget and establish a certain order in the household.
But I will share a few secrets about how to store cords, wires, cables and not get confused in their quantity and purpose! The main thing is you do it do it yourself with minimal expense of their time and capital.
I regularly use cords to connect the camera to a computer,

extension cords
and to have them always at hand, built a simple wire holder. 4 cm wide wooden battens
cut a piece a little smaller than the width of the door at the bedside table of a computer table,
made an approximate marking for cords
and an 8 mm drill
with a screwdriver,
drilled the planned holes.
A slit 4–5 mm wide was cut through each hole.
I screwed two furniture squares to the workpiece at the edges
and the whole structure with screws screwed to the inside of the nightstand door.
I hung all the cords, even the place was left for a universal charger.
Now with this peace and order !.
It happens that the electrical outlet is free, but the charged object can only be placed on the floor and then watch so that it is not crushed. Take an empty plastic bottle (from me - from brake fluid),
cut off all unnecessary
and fasten next to the outlet.
Now with this order!
Do you often curse when picking up mini headphones? The matter is also fixable: On a piece of soft linoleum we draw a pretty mustache, cut them with ordinary scissors, make two holes
and one problem becomes less
The grandson asked his dumper to carry his headphones. Using thick cardboard
the question has been settled.
The headphone holder can be made from a piece of wire.
Two rings on the beam are bent
and headphones are attached.
A very convenient container for headphones turned out from a piece of starting molding for plastic panels.
Cut six centimeters molding.
With scissors, the sides are aligned, as far as holes are made
and the container is ready for use.
Good luck!