This table at first glance looks rustic in a simple way, but a lot of time and effort has been invested in its creation. At first, the author prepared and brought walnuts to the workshop, decided in advance that the shape of the board would be natural with a natural bend, because the right angles in the production of various of furniture I’m fed up with the order and I want to have more natural material in my house or city apartment.
And so, let's look at what exactly will be needed to create a table of wood do it yourself?
1. board (walnut)
2. wood glue
3. board (linden)
4. fasteners
5. epoxy resin
6. hardener
7. varnish
8. sawdust (fine fraction)
1. stationary circular saw
2. drill
3. circular saw
4. milling cutter
5. hammer
6. chisel
7. corner
8. metal ruler
9. pencil
10. table jigsaw
11. roulette
12. brush
Step-by-step instructions for creating a table from a nut with your own hands.
To more accurately understand all the intricacies of assembling the table, the author specifically filmed a detailed video instruction specifically for this, where every difficult moment is well shown. Unfortunately, a video in English who knows this language will be able to understand what the author is talking about, and the masters will understand by actions and without any words and explanations. We pass to viewing.
As you can see a lot of work has been done, the table has turned out unique and classy. Master Well done!
Now we turn to the analysis of the author's photo report. First of all, the boards were brought in and the author started processing them.

We plan and grind.

Again marking the blanks.

That's all, thank you all for your attention!
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