The master made this lamp from stainless steel, namely, he took a pipe of the required diameter. The sizes in each individual case will be different, depending on your preference for the dimensions of the lamp.
First, the foundation was made, then the main part, and the bullet was machined from a tree (willow) on a lathe. The billet was also processed on a lathe, by the way the video will show the whole process and the master’s homemade lathe on which he bores both wooden blanks and metal.
The stand for the lamp is also made of wood, where the circle for the installation of the LED strip is selected by the milling cutter, the trick is that the stand of this lamp will shine, and the lampshade on the pool seems to be just an imitation for diffusing light. The laid tape is closed on top with circular sawn polycarbonate and glued to hot glue.
And so, let's take a closer look at the entire process of manufacturing a lamp.
1. welding wire
2. Bulgarian (angle grinder)
3. drill
4. drilling machine
5. lathe
6. workbench
7. hammer
8. inverter semi-automatic
9. ruler
10. pencil
11. sandpaper
12. boron machine
13. milling cutter
14. soldering iron
15. pliers
16. glue gun
1. stainless steel pipe
2. board 25-30 mm (willow)
3. LED strip
4. solder
5. wire with plug
6. polycarbonate
7. varnish
8. lampshade
9. electrical tape
10. hot melt adhesive
Step-by-step instructions for creating a lamp socket do it yourself.
The work was done quite complicated and painstaking, in his video, the author tried to convey as accurately as possible to the viewer all the nuances and small but very important details of the manufacture of the lamp. Also in the video you will see a universal home-made lathe from a drill, which the author assembled independently for lack of a factory analog. After all, buying a machine in a special store is now not cheap, but it’s quite possible to do it yourself)
First of all, the author from the scraps of stainless steel pipe welds the cartridge case, works as an inverter semiautomatic device.

That's all, thank you all for your attention!
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