The author made this knife for private use in order to go camping, fishing and hunting with him, for mushrooms. Knife sharpening does not fall under the article about cold weapons. Be careful when making knives and first carefully read the laws of your country in order to subsequently avoid troubles with the law.
As a source material, the master used a broken blade from a reciprocating electric saw, metal is quite suitable for this type of knife. In the beginning, a sketch of the future knife was made, the author simply sketched the image on the notebook sheet by hand and already on its basis proceeded to create his blade))
The blade of the knife resembles the sword of a Japanese samurai, the handle is wrapped in a lace of protective color. The bulk of the work is done on emery, where the necessary shape is given, then polished on a belt grinder. The blade is placed in acetic acid to give it a patina and dark color.
And so, let's take a closer look at the whole process.
1. Reciprocating saw blade
2. lace or paracord
3. acetic acid
1. emery
2. drilling machine
3. belt grinding machine
4. capacity under acetic acid (bath)
5. file
Step-by-step instructions for making a homemade knife from a reciprocating saw blade do it yourself.
The first step was to sketch the future knife on a notebook sheet.

As you can see, to make a knife with your own hands, you do not need to have super abilities)) Everything is accessible and simple. And most importantly, the knife turned out to be budgetary, because as the source material a broken blade from a saber saw and a cord were used, everything was available, you can even consider the knife completely free, which is important today;)
Step-by-step instructions are provided for you, so go for it friends!
That's all, thank you all for your attention!
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