More than once I intended to make a simple URF with a sound column for a computer. From China, by the way, a parcel came with yusb plugs

and a tiny stereo amplifier module delivering up to three watts of power.

The URCH is designed on a PAM8403 chip rated for voltages up to 5.5 V. I did not seek to create a high-class amplifier; watch the videos of the masters, and sometimes, talk on Skype - it completely satisfied me.
The case for the speakers adapted from a faulty power supply,
Serving a once portable TVElectronics -11».

I thought that before the repair of this rarity hands would not get there soon. And will they get at all?
For the amplifier case I used bottoms from inhalers, fortunately, a lot of them accumulated.
In one bottom with a hacksaw blade
sawed a hole
under yusb plug without housing,

soldered to the extreme contacts of the plug with a soldering iron with a narrowed sting
two wires for powering the URC, and the plug was secured in the bottom with hot-melt adhesive.
In the second bottom, the amplifier module is perfectly located.
According to the pinout diagram,
I soldered the ends of the wires to the unch module.
The audio input and output cords are brought out through additional holes. I glued the bottoms with glue “Moment”,
for unforeseen cases.
Although, glue was prepared from the chips from the body of the inhaler dissolved in acetone, but then it would be problematic to separate the bottoms.
in the case fixed with hot-melt adhesive and separated them with a partition made of plastic porous material.
I would like to add that the sound quality of the portable speaker was quite satisfying.