An old oak wine barrel made of precious woods fell into disrepair, but my hand did not rise to throw it away. Having looked at the bends of the barrel, the idea came to make a chair for the bar from this container. Such a chair will be the best combination of functionality, durability and original style. Such a chair can easily fit into the interior of any home. It is ideal in height and can perfectly complement furniture in the bar, kitchen, living room, study, bedroom.
In addition, such a chair is very symbolic. First, the barrel kept the wine, now a chair for drinkers at the bar will be made of its wood. The bar stool will be almost completely made of parts from the barrel and several screws. If necessary, during the production of a makeshift chair from an old barrel, you can also use accessories from a regular old chair that has fallen into disrepair.
So, they will go: galvanized steel hoop, wood (from the cover, bent walls and the base of the barrel).
Chair Dimensions - almost standard, but to a certain extent depended on the size of the original boards. The dimensions of the seat are 30x27 cm, the height of the chair was 74 cm.
First you need to take the boards from the barrel, file them and, where necessary, grind. Especially fanaticism is not necessary, since it is necessary to preserve the original color, especially the inside of wine-painted boards.
Then, the seat for the future chair is cut out and polished from the lid of the old barrel.
After that, from the boards of the base and the cover, you need to make jumpers that will be fixed between the legs of the chair.

During the assembly of the finished structure, cotter pins and screws were used. At the final stage of creating a bar stool, for its strength, it is necessary to strengthen the structure using galvanized steel strips. Also, if desired, you can add various decorative elements.
A separate talk about color. Painted with red wine and complemented by the color of oak, the legs and the seat are cherry chocolate. The reverse side of them as a result of polishing has a warm golden oak color.
The galvanized steel hoop, in addition to providing structural strength, enhances and stylizes the beauty of the silhouette of a bar stool.
Work on creating a chair from a wine barrel was carried out slowly and manually. If you are a true connoisseur of good wine and an original interior, you will immediately understand why in this case there is no need to automate the production of such chairs.Here the main joy is in the very process of creativity. The details of the chair were slowly and accurately adjusted to each other, the elements of construction were invented. The wood was gradually polished, varnished, dried. I had nowhere to hurry, so the chair turned out elegant and original after 5 weeks of evening work. Although, in principle, I could quickly assemble such a chair in two days. I am very pleased with the work done, and I think that you will appreciate my work and can easily make such a product do it yourself.