This knife was made by the author specifically for camping and fishing activities;) 3 mm thick steel was taken as the starting material, and a hand-drawn handle made of different wood (the author used pine and sequoia) can also be used to make the handle and another tree, the main thing is that it varied in color and texture.
The dial is made according to the following principle, a threaded pin is welded to the blade, wood blanks are sawn and a hole is drilled in the middle, then the wooden plates are dialed onto the welded threaded pin. Each part is smeared with wood glue, as soon as the plates are full length they are tightened with a nut under the washer and remain in this position for 24 hours until the glue dries completely. Then, the resulting handle can be removed and the edges trimmed with a stationary band saw. After that, a rounded shape is set on the emery, polished with sandpaper or on a belt grinding machine.
Finishing can be done with varnish, as well as linseed oil.
The knife blade is made of 3 mm steel, the metal is cut using a stationary band saw with a blade for metal. Next, the blade is set to emery. Necessarily metal will need to be hardened, in this case the author hardened only the cutting part, heating it to red with a gas burner and put it in a bucket of water. This type of hardening allows you to leave the main part of the blade elastic, which will extend the life of this knife.
Let's look at what exactly will be needed to assemble the knife.
1. steel 3 mm
2. wood (pine and sequoia)
3. carpentry glue or PVA
4. metal plate
5. threaded pin
6. self-locking nut
7. nut
1. stationary band saw
2. drilling machine
3. belt grinding machine
4. file
5. emery
6. sandpaper
7. brush
Step-by-step instructions for creating a knife with a typesetting handle from different types of wood do it yourself.
First of all, the knife blade itself is made of 3 mm steel and is sawn on a stationary band saw with a metal blade.

That's all, thank you all for your attention!
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