Good afternoon, fishing enthusiasts. Maybe for someone the invention of the author of the article seems like a waste of time, but still it has its advantages.
This article will describe how to make a bite activator. Its main goal is to attract crucian carp and bream. It should be borne in mind that this home-made invention is designed so that it can be easily stored, transported or simply used and not be afraid that complementary foods will stain everything around.
Necessary materials
The bite activator itself is made from homemade (unrefined) sunflower oil and garlic. There are no secret ingredients. Garlic is pressed in the garlic and mixed with oil.
And the author homemade will produce a container that will allow you to store the bait and conveniently use it on fishing.
As a container for storing the activator of the bite, you will need a regular aerosol can. It can be bought at a perfume shop that sells perfumes for bottling. Another option is if there are bubbles left under the medication, for example, a throat spray.
Fine metal mesh. She will serve as a filter. Sewing threads and a drill are also required. Any other metal rod is also suitable, the diameter of which should be slightly smaller than the hole in the can.
In order to find out how much metal mesh is needed, you can use the circle calculation formula. That is, the product of the numbers of the diameter of the inlet of the spray can by the number pi (3.14). That value, which turned out, must be measured on a metal grid and cut off. The height of the net is selected a little more than the height of the tank itself, into which the bait will be poured.
Next, a rod or drill is taken, the diameter of which allows you to freely enter the can. Around it is wound a metal mesh. Its initial edge should overlap with the end. When the net is wound, we fix it along the entire length of the thread. Remove from the rod (drill) and wrap the edge on one side. The resulting part is put on the atomizer tube.
It remains only to fill the cylinder with bait, lower the filter element with a tube into the container and close it.
The bite activator can be stored in the refrigerator. A closed can will not allow the smell of garlic to spread to all other products.
For those who believe that a filter mesh is useless, the author makes a powerful argument. If you do not use it with a homemade filter and pour the contents into the can, then after several sprayings the tube will clog. Simply pouring the bite activator onto the bait is inconvenient, in addition, when spraying, there is less expense.

Have a nice fishing!