» Knives and swords »Small Camping Hatchet from Bicycle Brake Disc

Small bicycle brake disc hiking ax

It’s no secret to anyone that rather strong types of steel are used in brake systems, which can even be hardened if necessary. This time the source of steel for homemade will serve us bicycle brake disk. Of course, an erased disk is hardly suitable for such purposes, but a cracked, bent, or accidentally falling into your hands would be a good option.

The author decided to make a small camping hatchet for himself. In his opinion, this steel should hold sharpening well, but it can be considered a drawback that the blade is too thin and can become unusable after a few sharpenings.

You can make several of them from one disk. Of course, with such an ax it will not be possible to chop large branches or chop logs. It will come in handy if you need to chop wood chips for your miniature stove to heat water or fry fried eggs. If you have a brake disc for assembling a hatchet, you will need a minimum of tools and attachments.

Materials and tools for assembly:
- brake disc from a bicycle;
- roulette;
- stick for making pens;
- drill with drills;
- felt-tip pen;
- a cone from a steel bar with a diameter of 1.5 cm;
- skin;
- steel cap;
- band-saw;
- primer and paint;
- piers for working with skin;
- grinding machine.

Hatchet manufacturing process:

Step one. Ax making
It all starts with the formation of the metal part of the ax. Having decided on the shape of the blade, the author cuts off the desired piece with a grinder. Since we won’t harden the metal, cutting and processing should be done so that the steel does not overheat, otherwise there will be a vacation and the ax will quickly become dull. To prevent the metal from overheating, it can be lowered into cold water from time to time.

Having cut off the desired piece, then it is being finalized. Then a grinder, a grinding machine and other tools come to the rescue. At the same stage, with the help of a grinding machine, the ax can be sharpened, but not to the state of the blade, since it can be injured during further assembly.

Step Two Pen making
To make a pen you need a piece of stick. The length, type of wood and shape can be chosen at your discretion. Further, at the top of the handle, the author drills a hole for fastening. In addition, you will need to make a groove along the handle, in which the metal part of the ax will then be installed.Here it is desirable to calculate everything in advance and draw a cut line on the hand with a felt-tip pen. If the groove is too narrow to mount the ax, it can be expanded with a file.

Step Three Workpiece painting
For some obscure purposes, the author decided to paint the metal part of the ax, probably so that the ax does not rust. First, he sanded the surface, applied the primer, and after the primer blew everything with paint.

Step Four Handle finish
To make the pen more beautiful and more pleasant to the touch, the author finishes it with leather. You will need to cut a few strips of skin, and then stick it on the handle. You can choose any skin color and quantity.

Step Five Collect hatchet
To assemble the hatchet you will need epoxy glue, but the author did not use it. First, you will need to insert an ax into the handle, and also install a metal cone, which serves to weight the ax. A cap is put on top of the ax. The rest of the scenery can be done at your discretion.

Step Six Cover making
To transport the ax was safe, you can make a protective cover for it. Here you will need skin. Just cut the pieces you want in shape, and then connect them with rivets and buttons.

Seventh step. The hatchet is ready, we are testing!
That's all, now our ax is ready for testing. As you can see in the photo, he splits chips without problems. They can get kindling for home ovens.


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    • smilesmilesxaxaokdontknowyahoonea
4 commentary
Craft for crafts. In vain only a bicycle dismantled ...

So much
how much did you get money for it
The hatchet should weigh at least 400 grams. And this is a cosplay toy, except maybe some ..

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