The literature describes many methods for converting adjoining areas. After reading this article, you will learn some of them. From the ideas that will be offered to you, you can choose the most suitable for yourself, those that will present your country house in a new light.
So, many in the country have one or several old barrels that have not been used on the farm for a long time, but for unknown reasons, the owners are in no hurry to get rid of them. Such barrels are useful for decorating flower beds from them, by placing inside a box with vegetable soil. Give the newly made flowerbed brightness by painting it in different colors, as in the picture, and this romantic bright couple will delight your eyes and those of others.

Also, unusual flower beds can be made from old boxes and boxes, to turn them into those just add some decor elements, for example, you can draw eyes, attach limbs. If you can not afford woodcarving, use regular polystyrene or plywood for this.

Stones and cobblestones can also be adapted for decoration. They can be revived by paints, having created bugs, ladybugs from them. Get some colors in the building materials store, but do not forget to carefully study the composition and characteristics if you want your “insects” to not become faded from water or the sun.

Old car tires are the basis for various decorative elements for cottages. From them you can make swans, palm trees. Turn your tires into interesting things will help your talent and ability to work with cutting tools.

If you still have old enameled dishes - teapots, pans, bowls - do not rush to throw it away. It will come in handy for decorating your summer house; you will only need a few bright colors and, again, your imagination.
Do not rush to get rid of unnecessary at first glance things, but carefully consider them!