As a child, we all dreamed about bicycles with huge wheels, especially good if they were automobile. Also, many dreamed simply of a massive bike with a thick frame. One author decided to bring this idea to life and made just such bike. Of course, there is little practical benefit here, because the bicycle becomes too heavy, here the question is more aesthetics and curiosity. However, if you make a lot of such bicycles, then you can arrange competitions on them.
Materials and tools for homemade:
- automobile or other suitable wheels;
- a thick pipe for the manufacture of a frame;
- steel rods to create axes;
- some bicycle parts (steering wheel, front and rear sprockets, chain, pedals, etc.);
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- lathe;
- some bearings, bolts with nuts;
- paint;
- spanners.
Bicycle manufacturing process:
Step one. Frame manufacturing
The first thing we do is frame, however, here it is the main work. The frame itself is made of thick steel pipes. We cut into the necessary heaps and weld, nothing complicated. We use some nodes from a regular bicycle. This applies to the steering wheel bearings, as well as the axles with pedals, they are put native.

A feature of this technique is that the wheels are not mounted on a fork, but simply on single parts of the frame, but you can also make forks if you wish.
In conclusion, you will need to make two axles for the wheels. The wheels here are already used with bearings, they only need to insert the axle and fix it in place. For the manufacture of axes you will need a lathe. The axles are welded into place and wheels can be placed.

Now you need to arrange the transfer between the pedals and the wheel. We attach an asterisk to the rear wheel through the carriage. We weld the front axle with the front sprocket and put the chain. After that, you can already test your device!
Step Two Paint the bike
If no defects are found during the tests, you can paint the bike. Sand the metal thoroughly with sandpaper and then wipe it with a rag dipped in acetone. First of all, apply a primer, and then paint.To get the perfect frame, the seams can be cleaned, and then these places are treated with putty.

Step Three Test
That's all, the project is over. You can ride on your miracle brainchild and you will never be left without attention.