This device was developed as part of a project to verify allegations of the possibility of cleaning pipes processed with an extremely weak sound signal in the electromagnetic range. It has been argued that the use of a scanning signal reduces the so-called memory effect of water in closed heating systems. Testing in companies professionally involved in cleaning, repairing and restoring plumbing systems did not reveal such miracles.
Here the description of the device is given to those who believe in the idea, but to pay for the device from a pair of microcircuits 500 ... 20000 cu not ready.
The scheme is not to blame for someone else's misconceptions and the hustle and bustle of this business from the gray zone. What is required of her, she does well. It can be successfully used for other purposes, either in whole or in parts.

This device uses swapping, i.e. change in the output frequency according to a linear law. On the integral timer D1, a low-frequency pulse signal generator is assembled, which sets the period for pumping the frequency from minimum to maximum and vice versa. From it, on the integrating element - capacitor C3, a sawtooth signal is obtained, which is fed to the modulating input of the generator (D2), controlled by frequency.
The pulse generator on the integrated timer is assembled according to the standard circuit recommended by the manufacturer. A positive signal at the output D1 (terminal 3) corresponds to the charging time of the capacitor C1 from a voltage of 1 / 3Upit to 2 / 3Upit through the series-connected resistors R2 and R1. The negative signal lasts until C1 is discharged by the internal key (pin 7) through the resistor R1 to the level 1 / 3Upit.
Actually a sawtooth signal is formed on the capacitor C3 by the sequence of its charge-discharges along the circuit: timer output D1 (pin 3), resistor R4, common wire. The flow in and out of the current through the same contact 3 of the timer is explained by its design of two transistors, connecting either the supply voltage or the common wire to the output.
The swipp generator is assembled on a D2 chip. Its main purpose is to build a phase-locked loop (FAP), and it has several devices for this. Of these, only a frequency-controlled oscillator (VCO) is used here. The linearity of the frequency response to the voltage supplied to the control input (FC) is high - about 1%.
The value of the generation frequency of the VCO in the absence of control is determined by the capacitor connected to the cont. 6, 7 and resistor R7. The constant shift of the obtained frequency is set by the resistance value of the resistor R8. The use of the composite master capacitor C5 + C6 here is not a principle, but simply the result of specific tuning works on introducing the generation parameters into the required boundaries.
The sawtooth voltage received at C3 is fed to the FC input (cont. 9) of the generator frequency control and changes it from 300 to 6000 Hz. Actually because of the need for such a change in frequency, this particular type of chip was chosen.
The generator output (pin 4) is standard for CMOS circuits, i.e. weak. To directly control a sufficiently powerful load, a key was used on a VT1 KT972B transistor specially designed for such purposes with ultra-large current gain (super-beta). To unload the stabilizer D3, the VT1 comes from an unstabilized voltage. The key load resistor R12 is supplied with increased wattage, which excludes its burnout in case of accidental closure of the outputs "A1" and "B" during operation (protection against fool).
It is possible to work with pairs of vibrators 1-3 or 2-3. In the first case, the vibrators are galvanically isolated from each other. The introduction of two options for connecting vibrators in this design is experimental in nature.
The microcircuits D1 and D2 are powered by an integrated stabilizer D3 type 78L08 voltage of 8V. The softener is installed in places with high temperature and humidity, and radical protection of the power supply unit from emergency overloads in case of violation of the tightness of the case and varnish coatings of the board is required. This is the job for the fuse F1, which has legs and is soldered into the board, since its combustion means the poor condition of the structure and the need for its thorough revision in suitable conditions.
Pay attention to an interesting LED indicator of work. HD1 only lights when there are pulses in the output circuit. In addition, its brightness is proportional to the frequency of the output signal and in the process of swipping it flares up, then goes out. This is the effect of powering the LED through a differentiating circuit C8, R11, the time constant of which is less than the minimum period of the output signal. The bipolar pulses received from it are rectified by the diode bridge D3 and feed the LED.
D1 timer
It is possible to replace bipolar or CMOS versions of the NE555 device from the extensive family of 555 analog timers. When working with CMOS analogs (NE7555, KR1441VI1, etc.), the output voltage will increase by ~ 1V and the control voltage will increase accordingly to C3, which will lead to an increase in the frequency pumping range.
D2 FAP chip
Of the domestic elements in a cheap plastic case, there is KR1564GG1. Any analogues of CD4060A or CD4060B in all types of execution are suitable from the world nomenclature. If you have a choice, it is preferable to clones advanced CMOS CD4060B, which applies and KR1564GG1. Here, their significantly increased, in comparison with their predecessors, load capacity, simplifying pairing with the output stage.
D3 integral stabilizer
There are domestic analogues of 1157EN801x, 1157EN802x.
D4 diode bridge
Replace with KTs422 (A ... G), KD906 (A ... B) or the like. A circuit of 4 separate diodes for a current of 50 mA is possible, for example, 1N4148, KD521x, KD522x, KD510x.

1. Good LEDs made of light-scattering plastic, larger diameter, and an emission angle of 30 °.The transparent LED lens works as a magnifying glass to observe the light emitting crystal, which is clearly visible inside the case, and the compact source is perceived brighter.
2. Reduce the capacity of C8. This is a radical decision.
3. We switch to unipolar power supply without the D4 bridge. In parallel with HD1, we set the diode VD1 to avoid a constant charge of C8 and its blocking.

Softener Layout, made in the standard case of I-501 pro-electronics from the series "Logic". Four orange diodes are visible on the right, which are not in the diagram. When testing the device, inserting the plug of a power supply unit with a different polarity into XS1 is very simple. Here is the diode bridge and saves from errors.

Circuitry differences of the layout from the working sample.
Setting the generator frequency to D2 is usually necessary, since the instances of this chip have a spread of up to 10%.
We put

AC adapter. Potential hazard to the room and building. This is a strictly purchased product. With a passport, in which the round-the-clock work is unequivocally allowed. Usually this norm blocks to coherent technique. Cheap people are allowed to work 20 ... 23 and even 23.5 hours a day, and so they are forced to look after.
Do not replace the plug, do not change its polarity, shorten or extend the wire. So far, everything is native, the manufacturer is responsible for any excesses involving the block, otherwise you are.

Softener installation. In a humid or hot room, there is only a softener and a low-voltage power cable. The power supply is strictly in normal conditions.
The vibrators are made of an insulated stranded wire wound in 20 ... 30 turns on a water pipe. The ends of the wires are insulated. Coil length 30 ... 40 cm. Winding turns clockwise or counterclockwise does not matter. The distance from the device to the vibrators is not more than 50 cm.
To work electronic softening and the idea of ultra-small electromagnetic effects on water seems weak, it can be used with much more sense in other areas.
Physiotherapeutic vibroacoustic device
If you ask the pharmacy what is better from technology, then VITAFONs will remember almost immediately. From their first models ears of a radio-technical style of thinking amusingly stick out. Mechanistic inherent in the masses model organism generates a similar solution to its problems. If the contraption does not work, then it must first be shaken. Naturally, that is nearby. Here it is a telephone headset without a headband and capsules without covers. Membrane capsule vibrates from the sound generator and treat the problem area with them.
Yes, and the features of circuitry on programmable logic, the design as a whole, indicate a narrow specialization of the developer.
There are many such forced discoveries in every profession. The author met, for example, an aircraft mechanic who worked on himself, on staff, on their families and on a business trip from a test center located on the Crimean coast, amazingly effective treatment for sunburn, complex skin diseases such as fungi, psoriasis, rash with technical solidol and a pulsating jet from the chopper compressed nitrogen. And the medical service, having rested from worries on the beach, called from under an awning not to believe their eyes and body.
Psychics chanted the ultrasound diagnostics in chorus for literally tearing apart the thin-material shells of a person. With vibroacoustic physiotherapy, which has a jerky, pulsed character, characterized by a powerful level of components, the second and third harmonics are already ultrasound. And the population believes that there is never much free medicine, and instructions are needed when the device turns sour.
It is interesting to know that easily seeing aura think about vibro-acoustic procedures.
It is interesting to know that easily seeing aura think about vibro-acoustic procedures.
Protecting their monopoly, VITAFON manufacturers do not touch amateurs, but in vain, they discredit the idea in the hobby zone. These homeless children learned to correctly reproduce the prototype signal, simple in structure, but piezoelectric calls with miserable deformation of the crystal are prescribed as a vibrator.
Strictly speaking, the electromagnetic capsule of the phone is not a masterpiece for radiation inside the body, but its accessibility and low power required for the procedure justifies the decision not to bother to improve efficiency, but working from the network to increase the power supplied to it.
Energy saving is the destiny of stand-alone appliances. The fact that this is possible is evident from the simple designs of electric shavers with a vibrating grid (about 300 Hz) on a single AA-size battery (1.2V).
The cost of VITAFON is 40 ... 60 cu and making amateur copies does not make sense. Justifies cognitive itching to healthy lifestyle or medical acoustics. There is such a scientific direction.

Sectional electromagnetic capsule. In appearance, it is most similar to TA-4. There are also TK-67-UT, TA-56M, KED-2 and others. The main producer is the Oktava plant (Tula).
A lover from the crowds of homo vulgaris stands out for an exceptionally abnormal interest in the process. If, for a change, he wants a result, then let him forget about the soldering iron. Any sounds from the chilling screams of a swamp drink to the groans of happiness will give him a computer. For the first results, it’s enough to pee for half an hour in any language, even in BASIC. We take the signal from the connector of the system speaker, or sound card. We strengthen on anything and treat.
To convert a water softener into a physiotherapeutic device with a decent acoustic impact, it is enough to connect electromagnetic telephone capsules with a resistance of 50 ... 80 Ω without caps to the terminals "A2", "B". Their acoustic transformer function is not needed here. A metal membrane is applied directly to the body, which is fixed to the body so that it does not move out during operation. You can start with tape.
It is permissible to place capsules, taking into account the polarity indicated on them, instead of resistor R12, but there will be distortions in the emitted signal from magnetization of the DC component of the pulse current. How significant this is, I don’t know.
The power of the output stage of the softener is enough to connect a couple of three capsules, both in series and in parallel.
In this case, the signal of influence by the will of fate turned out to be original. However, the idea of physiotherapy is traditional. Unlike the sequence of prototype sessions with fixed frequencies, we have continuous pumping of frequencies in the same range. Smooth changes are more natural. In any case, we will not miss anything, even that which we do not suspect.
At the analogue, everything lasts about a minute. With the denominations indicated on the softener circuit, up-down swipping takes about 20 seconds. The time constant of the charge-discharge capacitor C3, on which we obtain the control voltage, is about 2 minutes. The values of R1, R2, C1 can vary in this limit cycle time. The ratio of the values of R1 and R1 + R2 determines the difference in the speeds of movement "up" and "down" in the range, which is interesting for enriching the nature of the effect on the body.
The offset of the frequency range is in charge of R7. For the lower limit in units of Hz, its value is about 1 MΩ.
In one of VITAFON's modifications, instead of one vibration head, there is a module with red LEDs emitting with a vibration frequency. This is interesting, since red light penetrates deep into the muscle tissue of a person. For example, in the dark it is clearly visible that the medium-efficiency LED shines through fingers, palm, and sheku through.
The softener output will withstand the addition of a chain of 5 ... 7 series-connected IR and red LEDs with a common current-causing resistor. When determining the specific composition of the group, consider that the voltage at the emitting transitions of the red LEDs is about 1V, and that of the IR is about 2V.
PCB Etching Activator
It is known that the activation of a solution, for example, by air bubbles from an aerator of an aquarium, significantly accelerates the process even with a used reagent.Similarly and even more efficiently, a properly organized acoustic excitation of a reagent in a cuvette operates. If you place the emitter inside and give a tone signal to it, then the acceleration of the process will be weak. The point is standing waves, which are established in a cuvette. The dynamics of the wave pattern and gives a change in the frequency of activation according to some law. The frequency sweep with the parameters embedded in the softener is quite suitable here.
In the sound range, the activator (vibrator) may be piezoelectric elements or electromagnetic heads.
Less in adrenaline attack from the sound of a siren. For peace of mind, adjust the D2 settings to output frequency range up. For ultrasound, only piezoelectric elements are good. Only etches will now suffer homework animals. Lucky if silently and passively.

Activator Etching. The board is suspended from the rod and hangs vertically in the reagent, which speeds up the process and its quality. The cuvette is transparent, plastic, was once in the kitchen set for bulk food.
To work in the reagent, the vibrator (piezoelectric element) is placed in a narrow, long package of thin polyethylene. The upper, open, part of the packet hangs outward through the side of the cell. Compressed by the pressure of the solution, the emitter gives all the energy to the liquid, remaining dry.
Evg. Fistula