Why aren’t we inventing, what aren’t we inventing from the old DVDs that have become unusable? And ideas just come out of nowhere. Here is another original use for them - dumbbells from DVD discs.
In each house, over the years, many DVD discs have accumulated that have failed. And we will help you find them a useful use - home-made dumbbells from DVD discs. 100 of these DVD discs weigh two kilograms.

Of course, such dumbbells will make athletes (bodybuilders) laugh very much, but for girls (to maintain the perfect shape of the arm muscles), they will be just right.
So, for work you will need:
- DVD discs
- steel stud with thread on both ends, about 35 cm long .;
- a handle with a through hole or a piece of plastic tube (with a diameter larger than a steel stud);
- two steel gaskets and two nuts (according to the diameter of the thread of the steel stud).
With all this, we can only collect the dumbbells.

As necessary, you can add or reduce the number of DVD discs.