To beautiful and original decorate the wall You can use a large number of old CDs in your room. First you need to mark the surface on which the discs will stick. This can be done using the building level, a ruler and a pencil, having previously measured the diameter of the CD. After all the guide lines are drawn, you need to glue the discs, starting from a prominent angle. . Super glue is great for fixing them to the wall. You should pre-mark so that you don’t have to cut a CD or leave large gaps.

Too easy for you? Then you can decorate the wall with CDsapplying a completely different technology. Cut out a variety of patterns from sticky paper or thick tape. Then stick them on the surface with a disk (you can use both the back side and the front if it is painted white). Apply black paint from a balloon or spray gun to the surface of the disc, some of which is sealed with paper or tape. Then let the paint dry and remove the adhesive tape. Such a composition of 2-3 discs will look great in any room.

Want to give your room a modern look? Then you can decorate ordinary coat hooks with CDs. Just pick up the hooks so that they freely pass through the holes in the CD. The best option would be if the discs fit tightly onto the protruding hanger parts. An indisputable plus that this kind of decor carries in itself is that the wallpaper behind the hooks will not constantly be erased from touching things.

Original designer watches from the disc and buttons of the old keyboard Perfectly fit into any interior. To make an unusual under the tree, You need to separate all the function buttons from the unnecessary keyboard: from F1 to F12 - they will indicate the clock. (minutes on such an article will not be displayed).Now you should disassemble the usual plastic alarm clock and, having removed the dial, place the arrows and the mechanism on the disk. The buttons must be glued to the surface in accordance with the numbering applied to them. Designer watches are ready! Listen ... even ticking!
Surely, taking out the old discs, you remembered the wonderful games or the music that was recorded on them. We remembered how much happiness and positive emotions brought to you by these treasured brilliant round bubbles. Previously, they were storage media, now they are becoming more and more ordinary rubbish. Captive flash media that replaced them will soon completely replace the CD. So why not make a few handicrafts from the discs to extend their service life - even if not as information carriers, but as decorations and decor elements.