Homemade country barrels made of metal

In order to complete the decor, it is not necessary to even move the barrel. Wash and dry it thoroughly - then the paint will lie well on the surface and will stay on it for a long time. Then you need to use the brush to draw smaller elements - it can be anything: starting from fish and birds, ending with eyes and ears. Just note that the work must be done in good weather, so that the raining rain does not wash away all the results of your work.

And what to do when the metal barrel is rusted and it is already impossible to pour water into it? Throwing away old things is not a method for real the inhabitants of our sites. Making beautiful flower beds is a great way out of the situation.
Let's start with the simplest. Take an old metal barrel and wash it well from dirt. Then dry the barrel in the sun to finally prepare the surface for work. Take a bright yellow paint and apply with a wide brush or roller on a metal coating. Apply several layers if you do not regret the paint. Then a thin brush should draw freckles, cheeks and eyes. Agree that such a flower bed will add a special touch to your summer cottage.

If we can decorate one barrel, then why not decorate two? We can do the original pair of old metal barrels. First you need to prepare the surface for painting. Then you need to find two multi-colored old umbrellas (better if they are plain). The paint needs to be matched with the umbrellas - this will give your summer cottage composition a complete and holistic look. Now it remains only to color the barrels, draw eyes and other facial features that our lady and gentleman will possess.I specifically do not pay attention to planting flowers and plants in barrels - this is a special way of planting, which should be given a separate article on the site.

If the barrel is completely leaky, then you can use a grinder to cut it. And from the parts to make several beds at once according to the example described above.

Thus, you can decorate ordinary buckets. Paint their outer surface, draw eyes and you will see that each bucket has acquired its own special personality. Just do not paint the inside of the paint - after all, water can be used for drinking purposes.
So, ordinary paint and brushes can transform the most ordinary things on your garden plot. But you will say that in the yard the 21st century and barrels have long been made of plastic. I agree, but who bothers to decorate them as well? About how you can original transform plastic barrels under water read in my next articles.