To make Christmas cork garland You will need special fasteners that can be purchased at almost any hardware store. These fasteners must be threaded through the plugs so that only hooks (or rings) remain on the surface. Then they just need to be tied with twine or a decorative rope. You can decorate the finished garland with tinsel by gluing it to the corks using super-glue.

You can also beautifully decorate a candle with old unnecessary traffic jams. To do this, you will need a glass that will be larger than the capacity with a candle exactly the thickness of the cork. Accordingly, the candle is installed in the center, and the empty space between it and the glass wall must be filled with plugs. Of course, it would be better if you use not an ordinary open flame, but a battery-powered electric candle that simulates combustion.

Probably the most common use for traffic jams in homemade - this is making rugs do it yourself. One of the possible options is presented to your attention. You will need a lot of wine corks, super-glue and a frame that can be made from wooden blocks or plastic. The rectangular frame should have a height no greater than the height of the cork. Glue each cork to the base with glue, tightly exposing them next to each other.

Another option cork mat, which you can assemble yourself is great for marking it in front of the front door. True, you need to consider that he will experience loads much greater than similar crafts for the bathroom. The corks must be fastened to each other in a checkerboard pattern using fasteners. It can be ordinary self-tapping screws and special rivets - the main thing is that the design turns out to be strong enough.

I could argue that you didn’t even know about this use of traffic jams. Make pots for plants from this material is quite real.It is necessary to use a drill or knife to make a hole inside the cork in which to put a little earth or water. (depending on what the sprout needs) Then we should plant the plant you are going to sprout in our pot.

If you managed to make a garland of traffic jams with your own hands, then craft original curtain for the doorway you will not have any difficulty. You just need to thread the fishing line through the corks, adding decorative shells or other decorations to the design.

In order to do decorative board and wine cork decoration You only need glue and a sharp knife. Pick up a beautiful chopping board that you either didn’t use or bought specifically for decoration. Then cut each cork in half and glue them on the surface of the board. Simple and original.

Original PanCollected from wine corks and other various decorations, can update any room interior. You will need a ready-made frame or wooden frame, on which you will need to glue wine robots tightly to each other. Then you need to attach one central image to the resulting surface. It can be anything: a person’s silhouette, a cup or a bouquet of flowers. You can also add other decorative elements: chains, beads, ribbons, etc.
Stylish decoration From a completely environmentally friendly material, you can make it yourself. To begin with, you need to cut out even cubes from corks, which then will need to be processed with a file. Connect the parts into one a bracelet it is possible with the help of an elastic band and several eyelets, which will need to be drowned a little in cork cubes. Such a decoration will surely surprise all your friends.

Do you think that from traffic jams you can only make various small things and crafts? Then look what armchair it turns out if you apply all your diligence and imagination. But the description of this homemade product is worthy of being in a separate article.
I think you are convinced that corks are a material that is almost universal for making crafts. And simple accessibility, ease of processing and connection with each other makes it almost indispensable. On the pages of this site you will meet more than once with original homemade products from cork material.