There is such a category of "craftsmen" that always wants to save on consumables. This is especially true of various idiotic homemade discs and options for their improvements for the Bulgarian.
In this article, the author of the YouTube channel "Workshop Diy" will tell you how he made three different discs for the grinder, namely two saw blades, and one cleanup.
It is strictly forbidden to repeat these products!
If, nevertheless, someone has such a desire, then I recommend using a sapper suit with the maximum degree of protection.
- Old diamond wheels for concrete
- Rusty cable
- Chainsaw chain
- Trimming boards
- Spray paint.
Instruments, used by the author.
— Bulgarian
- Cutting and grinding wheels
— Geyfer capture
- Grinder
— Welding machine
— Screwdrivermetal drills
- core, hammer, pliers, metal brush
- Miter saw
- File, vise, marker.
Manufacturing process.
Of course, many builders accumulate over time a large number of old diamond disks for the grinder, and conscience does not allow them to be thrown away, or to make knives from them, or other useful homemade products.
The idea arises of the reincarnation of such disks. The author takes two diamond blades for concrete for the first homemade.
He fixes on a grinder two disks at once.
Then he grinds the ends of the disks on a grinder, and grinds their edges.
The fact that the disks are of different thicknesses is completely irrelevant for further insanity.
He tried to adjust the outer diameter of the disks so that the old chain from the chainsaw fit on them very accurately.
It fixes one chain link with a geyser grip, and grinds the rivet.
With the help of a core and a hammer, it disconnects the links of the chain.
Now the chain is connected in a small ring.
The author did not change the rivet, but simply welded it to the link.
Next, the chain is fixed between two disks. Yes, she sits very firmly.
In short, the author turned out a saw blade, which he is going to test.
Actually, this disk works, and easily cuts branches, and copes with pallet boards.
The author also believes that with this disk you can get a fairly “clean” end cut.
The next patient who escaped from the clinic will be a diamond disk in which the author drilled a few more holes. Can I not discuss the quality of balancing? It is clear that it will not be, and the grinder reducer will go to rest very quickly.
Do you think that is all? Oh no. Now he needs to cut a couple of dozen pieces of a rusty cable (this is important), he even tries to make them the same length.
The disk is magnetized to the old magnet from the speaker.
Pieces of the cable are inserted into the holes, and solemnly at ... boil to it. The quality of fixation of individual cable strands you can imagine.
The back of the disk is cleaned with a wire brush, and painted with black spray paint.
Ah, balancing, but why is it, the main thing is to paint this super product in golden color. Still, it is more aesthetic when golden pieces of wire stick out from the skin, sticking out with great speed.
This cleaning disc can probably be tested only in armored gloves.
And finally, the last work of art. This is another type of saw blade, the so-called "trident". A groove is made at the edges of the disk.
Then the grooves expand, and the cutting edges of the teeth are sharpened. The fact that there should be soldering, the author does not know.
The result is an extremely unbalanced disk that simply gets stuck in the wood with a large depth of cut.
As expected, the teeth without soldering simply burn the ends of the boards.
For those who want to get a normal trident saw blade, you can go through this the link. This is a drive for a healthy person. They can cut drywall, boards, aerated concrete, plastic, plexiglass.

I thank the author for these powerful ideas, which with almost a 100% guarantee will cause bodily harm to those who try to repeat them and use them! Such savings can lead to the fact that wreaths with discounts will be provided especially for the brave madmen!
All good mood, good luck, and interesting ideas!
Author video can be found here.