Crafts and jewelry from light bulbs

To make a vase, which can be hung from an old light bulb. You will need, in fact, a light bulb, a thin sheet of metal and pliers. There are many ways to remove the core from the light source. Personally, I use this: with a thin cloth, the base is sawn all around. Together with him, if possible, a file is made on the glass itself. Then with pliers you need to grab the very edge of the cap and crank it, pulling the middle out of the bulb. Now you need to carefully remove all the glass fragments. In the rest of the cap you need to pass the wire. It remains only to draw water, plant a flower and hang our homemade vase.

In the same way, you can make another a vase on a stand. The way to remove the middle is the same as in the previous example. A home-made stand can be made from any thing that can perform such a function. For example, it can be a cork or some piece of round shape. You can attach it to the light bulb with special glue or silicone. Such a homemade vase will look stylish on any table. All work must be carried out with special care so as not to leave even the smallest piece of glass. This piece can then cause you a lot of trouble.
Decorative ornaments Of old light bulbs - this is not uncommon. To make such a craft, you need to be able to take out the middle of the bulb and use maximum imagination to fill it. You can fill the transparent container with earth, small pebbles, moss, shells, twigs or toys - all to your taste. It, like a vase, can either be suspended on a wire structure or simply mounted on a reliable support. In the case of a construction made of wire, thick copper is best suited, this is due to its appearance and flexibility.As a stand, you can use silicone Velcro, which can be bought at any furniture store.

Modern production makes bulbs of various shapes, if in this article for the manufacture of crafts used bulbs of the usual form, then in other works I will definitely try to use the entire range of such source material.