1. Stable unicycle wheelbarrow.
3. Handwheel Drill.
Stable unicycle wheelbarrow.
Quite often it happens that "the new is well forgotten old." This happened, for example, with many "European" inventions that have been used in China, Korea, or even in ancient Egypt for centuries!
The most obvious example is the invention of the car, which is attributed to the great mathematician and physicist Frenchman Blaise Pascal, who lived in the 17th century. Well, what could be simpler than a wheelbarrow: one wheel, two handles-shafts, a body (Fig. 1). But here there are some difficulties. The fact is that the “European” cars, even of the modern issue, are distinguished by one fatal flaw - the small diameter of a single wheel, and, therefore, the small “cross-country ability” of the car along poor tracks. It is simply impossible to increase the diameter of the wheel - the center of gravity of the loaded car rises sharply, stability decreases, more effort is spent on maintaining equilibrium. If you make two big wheels on the sides, you lose the main advantage of such a car - the ability to move along narrow paths, on boards laid in one row on loose ground ... But it turns out that all these design problems were solved by three or four thousand ancient Chinese inventors years ago (Fig. 2iZ), moreover, a similar design scheme of a “highly walkable” and convenient car with one large-diameter wheel is still found in cities and villages of the Celestial Empire.

In fig. Figure 4 shows the modern design of such a car: in the center there is a large-diameter wheel (most conveniently a bicycle), two shafts, handles, and two luggage racks located on the sides of the wheel. It is interesting that the center of gravity of a loaded wheelbarrow may even be lower than the center of rotation of a single wheel, so sometimes it is possible to hold the wheelbarrow from lateral falls even with one hand. Hence the conclusion - it is useful to replace two separate handle-shafts with a U-shaped or H-shaped arc in order to carry out the movement of the cart with only one hand, holding the middle of the arc or crossbar. My friend made such a one-wheeled trolley from steel pipes and plywood for transporting two or four cans.It turned out to be comfortable, but not resistant to moisture ...