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DIY toy for cats

Everyone in the house has a pet, which is loved by all family members. Cats like to play and sleep most of all, and owners often think how to occupy a playful pet. Buy game cats
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DIY custom-sized LED matrix

If you suddenly need an LED matrix of a non-standard size or shape, then you can always assemble it with your own hands. We will consider the manufacture of a matrix of ultraviolet diodes,
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Do-it-yourself syringe tube

Sometimes on trips you need super glue. It is dangerous to carry such a tube in a suitcase, you can simply crush it. The best option for super glue is a syringe tube. He cannot be crushed in a bag and he is there
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Simple homemade electric motor

You have often seen in the shops in the shops small pendulums in the form of a wide variety of figures. The principle of their operation is based on the operation of a simple electric motor operating under the action of Ampere forces.
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Homemade wood burner

To burn wood like not only many teenagers, but also adults. Beautiful souvenirs are made from wood, which can be presented for the new year, birthday or just any memorable date.
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Mosaic pins - manufacturing

Every real man has a knife, which he takes with him for fishing, hunting, mushrooms and to the country. You can give it a personality with the help of pins, which are made very simply in
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DIY products

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