For his van, the Master made a drawer with a sink and a gas stove.
Tools and materials:
-Aluminum strip;
-Spray varnish;
- Guides for boxes;
- Stickers on the legs;
-A circular saw;
- Self-centering drill;
-Miter saw;
- Cordless screwdriver;
- Cordless drill;
-Pneumatic stapler;
Step One: Vanity unit
From plywood makes a drawer for the sink. Parts are cut off on a circular and miter saw. The parts are fixed with glue and screws. Before assembly, polishes the workpieces.
Step two: a cabinet under the stove
The cabinet under the stove is also made of plywood. On the side walls, the master carved handles.
Gathers a pedestal. The operation is standard, as in the manufacture of the sink.
Measures the length and width of the inner compartment of the drawer.
Cuts and fixes the support strips.
Installs the lid and drawer.
Step Three: Install the Bowl
Now you need to install the bowl (later a hole will be made in it for draining). A circle draws on the lid of the cabinet. Cuts a hole.
Step Four: Varnish
Putty and grind the surface of the boxes. Apply several coats of varnish.
Step Five: Trivia
Cuts off strips of skin. Fastens them instead of handles.
Slices an aluminum strip. Grinds the edge. Drills holes and bolts.
Adhes pads.
Step Six: Platform
Makes and installs a retractable platform.
All is ready.