[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = TUse1IvVEU4]
Of course, smoking is a very bad habit, and especially for people who are engaged in continuous office work. And although the desktop smoke absorber is not a panacea at all, but still, it will be able to at least slightly clear the air of cigarette smoke.

This is all that is needed to work:
• cardboard pipe (or any other with a large diameter);
• kapron stocking;
• 2 CDs;
• charcoal;
• computer cooler.

The principle of operation of this device is based on the use of a cleaning filter. Performance depends on the diameter of the pipe and the power of the cooler.
From the CD-ROM we cut out its central part and glue it to the pipe.

In the second disk, we drill holes for the passage of air ..

We fix the cooler to one side.

And on the other hand, we fill the stocking with charcoal (this will be the filter itself).

Filling the filter, you need to screw the second disk.

The smoke absorber is connected to the computer via a USB cable.

And on this our design is ready.