Many masters and lovers homemade measured risks are marked with a marker on the surface of the desktop, but they do not look aesthetically pleasing enough, they are erased with time, and the process of precise and accurate lining looks rather laborious. Here again, our favorite site comes to the rescue, on the expanses of which a self-adhesive tape-ruler was discovered. It is made of metal, therefore stretching during gluing is practically excluded, in addition, it has corrosion resistance. The measuring scale is marked out very clearly resistant to wear and bright paint, and also confidently corresponds to reality. On the back of the tape, a high-quality and durable adhesive composition for metal is applied. The width of the ruler is 13mm.
In order to equip the working surface with such a ruler, it is enough to measure and cut the desired length of the tape, peel off the back part that protects the adhesive composition and gently stick to the desired surface.
The following options for such a tape are available to order:
• with a metric scale from right to left;
• with a metric scale from left to right;
• with the start of counting from the center left and right.
In addition, at the time of ordering, you can choose which tape length you need — 1.2.3 or 5 meters (on this site the price is for 1 meter).
Thus, you can accurately, nicely and with minimal time costs equip the guide rails, bandsaw tables and many other surfaces with a measuring scale. In other words, the scope of such a tape is limited only by your imagination.
In conclusion, we note that the analogues of such a line in Russia are represented by about 2 times more expensive, and there is practically no possibility of choosing the length of the tape.
Cost: ~ 185