[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = 2ft0NYlr4IY]
In this video, the author describes how you can yourself in home conditions and from home appliances to make a clamp from a plastic bottle, which will help us fix, for example, a cracked handle. As you know, now many plants produce cambric - an insulating tube that has an interesting property: under the influence of heat it decreases in size:

But, one problem is that it is not particularly durable. But the author of the video found a way out of this situation - an ordinary plastic bottle. As you know, a plastic bottle under the influence of high temperatures also “shrinks”, but the design as a result is very durable, due to the fact that under the influence of temperatures the walls of the plastic bottle expand.
With this method, you can fix many things. In today's video, the author chose a cracked shovel handle:

As you can see, the plastic part cracked near the fastening screw. Gently unscrew the handle of the shovel:

Next, we take an ordinary plastic bottle (choose the volume of the bottle yourself based on the diameter of the surface to be repaired. The author took a bottle of 0.5 l.) And cut off a small part from it. Next, put it on the shovel

After that, you need to carefully tighten the handle with a self-tapping screw:

After that, we move the cut bottle to the level of the cracked handle, take a hair dryer and heat up the plastic bottle from all sides

Plastic begins to “shrink” and gradually takes on the shape of a pen and very firmly “sits down”

After this, you need to let the plastic cool completely and you can leave it the same way or modify the clamp with a hacksaw, paint or varnish.