In November 2019, the series “The Mandalorean” was released. This film is an American television series in the space western genre, which is an integral part of the Star Wars universe. The series takes place five years after the events of the movie "Return of the Jedi", and the main character was the bounty hunter Dean Jerin from the Mandalorian clan, who lives on the outskirts of the New Republic. There is this film already with a Russian translation.
A master from Canada decided to make a copy of the gun from this film. The copy is made, with the exception of the stock, of metal.
Tools and materials:
-Sheet steel;
-Metal round pipe;
-Welding machine;
-Bandsaw machine;
-Band sander;
-Equipment for metal casting;
-Metal rod;
-Drilling machine;
Step One: Template
First, the master took screenshots of the rifle and zooming.
Then a drawing was made. The craftsman carved a fork (gun barrel) out of plastic to use as a mold for casting aluminum.
Step Two: Casting
Then a fork is cast from aluminum.
Step Three: Making the Frame
The master makes the middle part of the rifle. Some of the parts need to be bent and welded. On one piece makes a notch. Pressing in the barrel of a rifle.
Makes a plate. Drills holes for fake rivets. Pre-assemble the node.
Makes and fixes the plate. On the plate press makes a stamp.
From the pipe cuts the trim. Welds it. Bends and welds tubes.
Step Four: Body Kit
Next, the master makes a kit for the rifle. For the trunk.
For the bolt part.
Step Five: Emblem
It bends the wire and welds the logo plate.
Step Six: Trigger
Turns the trigger and the bracket.
Makes the top of the trigger.
Seventh step: butt
Butt master cuts out of walnut. Then the workpiece is ground and mounted on a rifle. Installs a metallic "tongue".
Step Eight: Aim
The lower triangular part under the fork was made of an aluminum billet, then welded to the bottom of the fork holder. On a lathe, a sight is made from a 2.5-centimeter tube. Installs glass inside.
Step Nine: scope holder
He grinds and assembles a holder for the sight from aluminum billets.
Makes a holder for the barrel and glues rivets.
All is ready.