[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = k_Q-YHqgt2g]
Sometimes there are situations when you need to fix some round surface (for example, so that water does not leak out), but nothing. In order not to run to the store for a special clamp, I suggest making a home-made clamp from a can.
We need to take an ordinary tin can and cut out a strip like this:

Next, cut out the rectangle from the top cover of the can (you need to cut it out from the top cover, since there the metal is denser than on the walls of the can itself). After you cut the rectangle, you need to bend it in half as shown in the photo:

Next, in the center of the bent rectangle, make two more cuts so that the distance between these two cuts is slightly larger than the width of the tin strip:

Next, we unfold the workpiece and we get such a rectangle with a rectangular hole in the center:

Also, for the future clamp, we need a dense wire, but it is better to take a special key instead, which is designed to open cans.

So, now we have all the components, we can start assembling the clamp:

We pass the strip between the slot in the key and wrap the key one turn.
After that, we put on a rectangle with a rectangular hole in the center on the strip and then bend it on the key:

After that, we pass the remaining strip into the hole and bend it as shown in the photo:

Well, that's all! Our clamp is ready! Now we put it on the surface to be clamped and just twist the key.

When you twist the key, the strip from the tin can is wound on the key itself and thus tightens the fasteners and acts as a fairly strong clamp!