At each summer cottage, by the ripening season of apples and pears, the question arises of how to get the fruit from the tree, it is impossible to shake the fruit tree since the fruit that has fallen to the ground will be damaged and will not be stored for a long time or immediately consumed food, or cut and dry, and cook jam.
In order for the apples to lie and be stored for a long time, you need to do this carefully and accurately and for this purpose you need a ladder. But again, it is not from every staircase that you can get the treasured fruits, especially when the juiciest and ripe ones are at the very top and you can’t get them from a simple staircase because it is impossible to lean against a standard staircase in a normal way. Lifting equipment summer residents basically they do it themselves as the construction is not cunning and does not require special skills in the carpentry and carpentry.
The author was puzzled by the theme of building such a miracle of stairs that you could easily lean anywhere and get the cherished fruits from the very top of the tree, just like apples are going to be stored in the cellar, and to keep the fruits stored for a long time you need to be careful. And so, according to what principle did the author go, he just took two bars 4 m long and sawed the triangular steps, then twisted them with screws on both sides, which improved the reliability of the structure and made the support in the shape of a triangle, which allows the load to be distributed evenly over the pressure area to the ground. And so now we will examine in detail what the author needed to assemble this design.
Materials: bars 4 m 40 to 50, boards, screws, metal plate.
Instruments: hacksaw, hammer, ax, screwdriver, scissors for metal.
And so, first of all, the author prepared steps of a triangular shape and screwed them to the bars.

Then he made such a lower support.

Secured with a metal plate.

And he climbed to peel apples from the tree.

So the miracle staircase is ready, now he can get to the very top of the fruit tree without much hassle.