I love my garden, garden, flowers. I want to share with readers how I managed to solve one difficult problem for us. The fact is that during heavy rains (and we are not uncommon), water from the roof of the house poured directly onto the flowerbed, destroying it. For a long time we thought about how to get out of the situation. It was not possible to transfer the flowerbed. And a solution was found. The husband brought huge limestone stones, split into small ones. Of these, I built a small slide, in the center I put a bath with a floating inflatable goose. Now water pours into this bath without harming the soil and flowers.
Over the season, I update the design of the flowerbed several times. Instead of fading plants, I plant others, interchange stones, add or remove somewhere. Very short marigolds, petunias, godetsia, annual phloxes look very nice on a hill. That's how we saved the flowerbed decorating our small plot.