You have long dreamed of your own punching bag, but do not dare to pay for it a "tidy" amount of money? But what if we tell you that you can make it with your own hands, and that such a pear will cost you mere pennies? This will be the subject of today's article.
So, what can a punching bag be made of? We suggest putting aside all the usual options, like “tarpaulin and sawdust” or “leather and sand”, and use your imagination. Yes, you guessed it, today we will make a punching bag from ordinary car tires.
In addition to the tires themselves, in the amount of five to eight pieces, you will need: a strong rope, wire or bolts to fasten the tires together, a carabiner for attaching the pear to the ceiling and a working tool such as a drill and screwdriver.
Let's start creating our pear by connecting tires together. To do this, make four holes on each tire with a pre-prepared drill; pay attention to the fact that the location of the holes on the tires should be the same, so that in the future we do not have any problems with connecting the tires together. If for some reason you do not have a drill, you can replace it with a sharp knife or any other similar tool.
Having drilled holes, get to fastening the tires together. Pass the rope through the drilled holes; tie knots below so that the rope does not fall out and does not slip. In addition, for a more reliable fastening of the ropes below, you can fix them by tying them around any improvised materials - a piece of reinforcement or a wooden stick.
If you decide to fix the tires with each other using bolts, then the procedure will be as follows: fasten the bolts with special wide washers to prevent them from slipping out of the holes of the tires, and sequentially fasten the tires together.
In the holes located at the very top of the fastened tires, install the hooks for hanging the pear.
Another unusual option is a pear made from a log with tires sequentially worn on it.

The operating procedure is as follows - on a prepared log of the right size, tires are sequentially put on, fastened together with the log with the help of screws; the lower tire is mounted on the log with metal strips connecting the log to the tire.
And finally, the least time-consuming option is a pear from a single tire. It is suitable when it is not possible to get a large number of tires, or when a large pear is not required. To turn the tire into a punching bag, it is necessary to place it vertically and drill one hole in the upper part, in which to fix the hook, then hang the tire through the hook; or just tie the prepared tire with a strong rope and fasten it to the hook.

Having examined the question of how to make a boxing bag, one cannot ignore how it is better to hang it. It’s a great option to hang it on the bracket, but this option will not always be the best from the point of view of convenience: the pear hanging on the bracket will be located close to the wall, which means it will not be very convenient to carry out attacks and move around the pear.
We offer a classic version of pear placement - on a hook screwed into the ceiling. For this we need: a special anchor bolt with the end in the form of a hook, on which we will hang our bag, chain or strong rope for hanging the bag on it and, in fact, the bag itself with carbines.
Having prepared all these materials, we proceed to fasten the hook. To do this, we need a hammer drill and a drill for concrete. We take a punch and make the first hole in the ceiling. Why the first? Everything is very simple - further there may be three times, and even a third hole. As you know, the concrete slabs from which ceilings are made in houses are not solid, but have cavities inside to reduce their own weight. This means that for the first time you can get into just such a cavity.
Attaching a hook to such a cavity is not recommended, since over time it can become loose and completely break off. So, we make a few more holes, and, having determined the place we need, we screw the hook there.

We hang our bag on the installed hook, and - forward to victories!