Another one model sailing wind generator. The rated power of this generator is 4 kW \ hour. The wind generator works to charge 48V batteries. The basis of this wind generator was two automobile generators from Maz 4001-3771-53.
Materials and details necessary to create this model of a sailing wind generator:
1) banner fabric
2) pipe with a diameter of 48 mm
3) 12V batteries in the amount of 4 pieces
4) two automobile alternators from MAZ 4001-3771-53
6) belts 6P with a diameter of 135 mm
7) a pipe with a diameter of 210 mm long 120 centimeters and a thickness of 9 mm
8) steel cables with a diameter of 6 mm
9) pipes with a diameter of 16 cm and a thickness of 4 mm.
10) four-wire cable PVA 4 to 4 mm
Let us consider in more detail the design of this model of a sailing wind generator.
The wind wheel has a diameter of 5 meters, its 6-spoke frame was made of a pipe with a diameter of 48 mm, and the sails are made of banner fabric.

The torque from the wind wheel is transmitted through the multiplier, the gear ratio of which is 1 to 45. Moreover, on the output shaft there is a pulley designed for belt transmission of torque to the generators. In this case, two flat belts 6P with a diameter of 135 mm were used.

Below the shaft of the multiplier, generators are installed and fixed one after the other. The author also provided for the possibility of tensioning belts as in the usual car. The wind head can be covered from above to protect it from rain and snow.
All elements of the wind head are assembled on a pipe with a diameter of 210, a length of 120 cm. To create a mast, pipes with a diameter of 16 cm were used.

The mast of the wind generator was specially made collapsible for greater ease of transportation of the structure. For reliability, the author used streamers made of galvanized steel ropes with a diameter of 6 mm. Streamers themselves are installed in several places of the mast at a height of 5 meters and 7 meters.
The author abandoned the idea of using slip rings, so from the generators there simply goes a wire consisting of four wires of the PVA 4 by 4 mm brand. Despite this, over the entire period of operation, the author subsequently did not have problems with twisting the wires.
Regarding the battery charging scheme, the author decided to adhere to automotive standards. Conventional relay controllers were used to control the excitation coils of the generators. In total, 4 lead-acid batteries with characteristics of 12 V 160 A / h each were used. Thus, 2 accumulators are connected in series to each of the generators, which in turn are also connected in series to use a 48 \ 220 V inverter.

Since the area in which the author lives is not particularly windy, it turns out to collect about 20 kW of electricity per month from such a wind generator. That is, the potential power of the generator is not revealed only due to weather conditions.