» Construction » Building a house »Building a house from plastic bottles

Building a house from plastic bottles

Building a house from plastic bottles

Everyone wants to have their own house and build it with their own hands. But the reality of our life is such at the moment that not everyone can have their own house, because the prices for building materials are very high and not affordable for the average person.

There are certainly cheaper and simpler materials, but in large quantities they will also give a tidy sum.

So how to be a simple person in this situation, everything is as usual simple, the answer to our questions is always there, at hand. You just need to move your brains a bit and find an alternative solution to this problem, for example, as an author from South America, he made a miracle of miracles, namely he built his own house from used plastic bottles, of which there are a great many, where no one is lying around, forgotten, forgotten. .

Imagine the benefits to society and the environment our author did by building his little house out of nobody's useless, roughly speaking, garbage.
If all reasonable people followed the author’s example, what kind of clean land we would have, because over the past few decades nature has been very muddied, and the main type of garbage is of course plastic bottles, and all other plastic products that are a thousand years do not decompose.

That’s why the author took responsibility, before the whole world community, in order to show people all over the world that you don’t need to litter, but you need to think with your head and turn garbage into building material, or as they say “turn waste into income”. In a short period of time, he scored several thousand empty, used plastic bottles in the vicinity.

This information quickly spread throughout the district, and people, to support the fellow countryman in his endeavors, began to bring him plastic bottles, they went and drove from all ends and now a sufficient number of bottles were collected.

The author thought out the architectural plan of construction in advance. Marked up and filled the foundation under construction residential building.

The principle of this building is quite simple.A plastic bottle is covered with sand or earth, twisted with a lid, and placed on a cement mortar in a checkerboard pattern, observing the bond. The necks are then twisted together by knitting wire. And then, as in a normal construction site, all according to the same rules, nothing new.

And now let's take a closer look at how he built his unusual house, and what he needed.

Materials: plastic bottles, sand, cement, boards, roofing material, whetstones,
Instruments: shovel, hacksaw, hammer, pliers, trowel, mortar, level, mallet.

And so the first thing the author fills the bottle with sand.

And then begins the construction of walls from this material.
The photo above shows how the necks of the bottles bind together.
And further on at the same pace is work on the erection of the walls of an unusual house.

Further communications are summarized.

Openings are made, and ceilings.

This is how the house looks at the next stage of construction.

So the main work is completed, the house is by and large built.

Then he goes on to decorating the exterior walls with stucco.

Then, after the plaster layer has completely dried, it applies several layers of paint with a temporary distance of 1-2 hours, as the applied layer dries.

And finally he goes to the interior decoration.

And so the house is completely ready and sets about landscaping its plot.

That's basically it, the house is built and you can call in and live in it happily ever after))). This whole structure looks very beautiful, it is clear that the author is professional in his field. Looking at this house, the soul rejoices for those people who built it.

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    • smilesmilesxaxaokdontknowyahoonea
4 commentary
Quote: Valery
Judging by the "minus", still there was a man who would like to live not in the classical, but in such a house! nea
... Maybe, tell me, dear, what kind of advantages did you find in it ???

Judging by the minuses, there were no pluses.))) And I have +. yes
Judging by the "minus", still there was a man who would like to live not in the classical, but in such a house! nea
... Maybe, tell me, dear, what kind of advantages did you find in it ???
Originally, like an adobe house, how many bottles did it take?
Original ... Unusual .... Creative ...
And would anyone like to live in that? ..

As the respected Delausyus says, "show off, and only"))))))))

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