Hello! I was inspired to create my BEAM robot, having seen enough of these single-engine and twin-engine wonders of robotics on the Internet. The idea was to create a walking robot, walking in the same way as 1- or 2-motor BEAM-walkers. After several unsuccessful experiments, I did what I wanted!
Step 1: The Mechanism
Step 2: Required Parts
(1x) continuous rotation servo
(2x) large paper clips
(1x) small paper clip
(2x) terminal blocks (3mm)
(1x) terminal blocks (4mm)
(1X) Used aluminum profile block
(1X) piece of plastic
Steel wire (2 mm)
Double adhesive tape
Brass tube
(1X) small clamp
(1X) battery pack (2 x AAA)
(2X) locknuts (3 mm)
(3X) nuts and screws (3 mm)
(1x) nuts and screws (4 mm)
(5x) washer (3mm)
(1X) washer (4mm)
Step 3: Assembling Parts
Step 4: Tools
Step 5: Housing
Step 6: front legs
Step 7: Hind legs
Step 8: Attaching the Feet
Step 9: Clutch
Step 10: Clutch Mount
Step 11: the final touches
In the end, simply wire the servo and the batteries, and robot Owl will start a journey around your home :)