Today I want to tell you about how you can make the construction level yourself from improvised materials ...
From the beginning, I suggest you watch our video homemade:
[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = lrsAYkNnHN8]
It happens that you need to put some surface perfectly evenly, but there is no usual building level at hand ... In this article I just want to tell you about how I myself can home I don’t make much effort to make the construction level ... For "large" construction work, this level is certainly not suitable, but for small home decorating - it’s a necessary thing ...
So, let's begin...
For our future building level we will need:
- a transparent glass jar with a volume of 0.5 liters;
- foam (suitable foam bottom from any packaging);
- duct tape;
- a needle with a thread;
- felt-tip pen ...
To begin with their foam, cut out one small circle as shown in the photo ...

Next, take a needle with a thread (the length should be slightly lower than the height of the can) and a piece of adhesive tape or thick tape and pierce the tape with a needle on the sticky side, pulling the thread through the tape ...

Next, we thread a foam circle halfway through the needle ... Now we measure the center of the bottom of the can and “put” our thread on the inside of the tape (strictly in the center of the can) ...

Now we pour water into the jar to that level until the needle straightens and the foam circle is slightly under water ...

Next, we take a plastic film, pull it on top of the jar and fix it with an elastic band as shown in the photo ...

Now we need to “calibrate” our level ... To do this, put the level on a perfectly flat surface, wait until the needle goes into a calm state and deviates, and after that put a point on the film on top of it with a felt-tip pen that will be exactly opposite the needle .. .

That's all! Our homemade building level is ready !!!
Good luck ...