[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = uJMauut81hI]
There are times when you need to measure the angle of a surface. Many devices can come to the rescue, such as, for example, a protractor, mounting (or construction) level, angle, etc. But, sometimes it happens that the necessary devices are not at hand, but you need to accurately measure the angle of a particular surface. After analyzing this problem, I came to the conclusion that you can do it yourself in home conditions and from home appliances a homemade device that will help you measure the angle of any surface, moreover, to an accuracy of 0.5 degrees.
For the goniometer, we need the following:
- unnecessary photo frame;
- a small piece of cardboard (identical in size to the size of the frame);
- an ordinary school protractor;
- thread, washer, double-sided tape.

So, first prepare the protractor. To do this, we attach a thread to it, at the end of which we carefully attach the washer as shown in the photo. Now on the edges of the protractor we paste a double-sided tape (this is very important, since the thread should move freely).

Now we apply the protractor so that the axis of the protractor itself coincides with the axis of the photo frame. We do as shown in the photo below:

Next, remove the frame and gently glue the protractor to the cardboard with tape.
We get such a design here:

Now install the glass back (in the frame) (follow safety precautions to avoid injuries).
Next, you need to carefully install the workpiece (a protractor with a washer attached with double-sided tape on a cardboard) in the frame as shown in the photo.

Next, you need to carefully check everything, which is what we are doing. As you can see, the thread with the washer moves freely and the device works.
Now you need to use the buttons to fix the cardboard and frame.

Well, that's all! The device for measuring angles (or rather the inclination of the surface) is ready. Now I will show how to use these goniometers correctly.Suppose we have some inclined plane and we need to measure the angle of inclination of this surface. We take our device and place it on a surface, the angle of which needs to be measured.

We look at the protractor: the thread under the weight of the washer and due to the slope of the surface we measure, deviate by a certain degree. Further, according to the rules of arithmetic, we need to subtract 90 degrees from the degree indicator with a thread and we will get the exact slope of the surface we are measuring in degrees.