From the article below you will learn how to build do it yourself Children's playhouse made of wood. The following description and instructions are taken from the Matthias Wandel YouTube channel.

The master’s daughter loves to play in an impromptu “house” with a blanket hanging on chairs or with a cardboard box. Therefore, he thought that he could make a simple frame to help his daughter in her games.
The concept of the house consisted of only three arches, which are inserted into two guides of wooden blocks that will lie on the floor, so that the blanket can now be thrown away.
Necessary tools and materials used by the master:
- table saw;
- coniferous beam;
- clamps of different sizes;
- scraper;
- jointer;
- PVA carpentry glue;
- pantorouter;
- grinding whetstone;
- stationary belt sander;

The master decided that curved thin wooden strips glued in several layers is the best way to make arches, so he began by sawing a large number of strips 4 mm thick from available lumber on a table saw.

Coniferous wood, with numerous knots in it, is not ideal for bending, but with a relatively soft arch made of thin layers of wood, everything should work out.
Here the wizard checks how the bands will bend.

Glued arch will consist of four layers. The master put glue in bold on three of them.
Then he clamps the strips with numerous clamps, while maintaining straightness, and then bends to the shape of an arc.
The exact shape of this arch is not so important, so the master bends it as necessary.
Bending the strips into the arch, firmly clamped at one end and also clamped (but less firmly) at the other end, leads to compression on the inner strips and tension on the outer ones, which in turn pushes the inner strips out and the outer strips inward, thereby helping squeeze the strip together.

After the other end of the arch was fixed in place, the master added more clamps to make sure that the strips are in tight contact.He then left the arch to dry for several hours.

Meanwhile, while the glue was drying on the first arch, the master cut off the remaining strips.

After the first arch was removed from the clamps, the master had to use a scraper to scrape off glue drops from the countertop.
Sizing of the second arch.

The first two arches lie on the floor, while the master glues the third. He secured the clamps at the ends of the arches to prevent an attempt to straighten.

The next day, when the glue was completely dry, the master removed the clamps. The ends of the arches were not quite parallel to each other. But the exact form does not matter.

Then the master on the jointer cuts all the layers flush with each other ...

... and cut arches to the same length on a table saw.
He polished the bevels on all edges with a belt sander.

Then it is necessary to cut out several grooves in the lower guide bars, so that they can then insert arches. For this, the master used a metal pantoruter.

He used a 12.7 mm milling chisel to cut 16 mm, grooves to a depth of 6 cm.
The wizard has a variable-length pattern on the pantorotor. This template is a prototype. He used it to move from side to side, up and down, to make the cutout wider than the router bit.

To round off the corners of the arch, the master used a small block of sandpaper.

Tests Assembly of the arch with the base.

Then the master assembled a house in the living room. This house is a bit bigger than his daughter’s usual playhouses and he had to use “king size” sheets to completely cover it. It is tall enough for the daughter to stand inside the house.

The master’s daughter said that this is a tunnel, so it has the same playing value as a large cardboard box or laundry basket.

The master does not have large plastic toys. He thinks it will be better for children's health.
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